2013年3月25日 星期一

多機種模擬器 BizHawk 1.4.1

多機種模擬器 BizHawk 發布新版,更新如下:


■ Add gui option for ring buffer mode. its unclear whether it speeds things
up, but its possible that it might, and it was a lot of work, so here it is
as a user option.
■ Dont churn through memory so fast when loadstating/rewinding. i think its
fragmenting the OS heap pretty badly because it kept reallocating shared
memory blocks
■ Fix bug where you cant load games lacking save ram
■ Fix timing calculations in aviout and movieplay dialog
■ Fix SGB core which had got a little broken while trying to setup memory
■ Add a bunch of complicated libsnes communication code that may improve
■ Make hex editor faster
■ Add Performance Core option
■ Fix rewind issue with tales of phantasia.


■ Fix savestate loading on mappers 115 and 248
■ Initial values for mmc3 registers.. not clear on whether theyre real or
not, but folks seem to be depending on them, and fceux does it
■ Make memoryRand track fceux latest
■ Implement mapper 117
■ Savestates now function properly for "SUNSOFT-5B" board, only affects
Gimmick (J)?
■ Sound: fix so that PAL NES with clock throttle no longer sounds horrible


■ Path Config – filename select for Atari 7800 bios files
■ Atari 7800 – don't require all 3 bios files to run. But do nag them that
they are missing them.
■ Atari2600Hawk
■ Implement System Bus, TIA, and PIA Memory Domains


■ Added missing.sgb in Open File dialog
■ Play Movie Dialog – fix time display of seconds, fix calculation of movie
lengths for pal games, support ctrl+C on play movie list
■ RamSearch – unlimited undo/redo levels
■ fix bug in loading roms with no extension
■ Messages – oops, use the Multitrack position settings for multitrack
instead of fps, also set better defaults for multi-track message positioning
(to not clash with other defaults)


■ Added a Movie Poke mode, in which input pressed during Movie Playback will
be added to the movie, if anything is pressed
■ Added a Scrub Input hotkey, when pressed during playback, will remove input
■ Added hotkey for assigning Autofire to controller keys
■ Added Full Savestate Load option – enables a "VBA style" loadstate for
movies in which the entire movie is loaded during recording, and input is
truncated after the next frame (instead of immediately)
■ Fix "Record from Now" option in the GB and SNES cores


■ Implemented gui.drawText() which draws text in the "emulation space" with
font, size, and color options
■ Implement client.pause_av() and client.unpause_av()
■ Fix a crash bug in input.set()
■ Fix an exception thrown in the Lua console when auto-loading a Lua session
■ joypad.set – implement false, and inverse options


