2013年7月29日 星期一

多機種模擬器 Mednafen 0.9.29-WIP

PC上非常不錯的多機種模擬器 Mednafen 發布新版,更新如下:

This is mostly another bug fix release, along with some minor improvements.

Especially notable changes include:

• Fixed a couple of netplay user interface crashing bugs.
• Changed SNES (pseudo) hi-res blending to be less blurry.
• Changed SNES audio resampler to a higher-quality(but slightly more CPU-intensive) resampler.
• Implemented a PS1 CDC feature in emulation so that music resumption after pause works in "Mortal Kombat Trilogy"; it's unlikely to otherwise affect PS1 game compatibility, though.
• New, experimental, optional(it's not used by default) "WASAPI" exclusive-mode sound driver/output method for Windows Vista and newer; allows for lower audio latency(in conjunction with reducing the sound.buffer_time setting), and less timing jitter(compared to modern implementation of DirectSound), which will improve things like rumble emulation and netplay.


