2021年8月2日 星期一

Raine 0.91.19

 多機種模擬器 Raine 發布新版,更新如下 :

- the new Brazilian Portuguese locale

 - curl now gets the rom from the full internet archive for raine instead of trying to guess where it can find it. As I said it's quite slow, but as a remainder, when Antiriad was working on the f3 emulation, it took him a whole night to retrieve one of these roms, so it's very fast compared to this ! ;-)
 - And reverted the opengl gui, meaning you get the fullscreen bugs back for the windows version, but it also fixes the emudx games + neo turf masters (you'll probably have to disable the speed hacks in neocd options for neo turf masters). For those who prefer the opengl gui and don't care about these fixes, just stay with 0.91.18 !

Hey, it would make a very nice final version for raine I think. Lots of locale, can even get its roms from the internet, nice way to finish it.
If ever I find some new motivation I might finish this sdl2 port one day, but nothing is less sure for now...

You'll find the link to the download area somewhere at the top of the forum page...

And I'll update the linux version PKGBUILD a little later...

