2024年1月10日 星期三

Raine 0.96.6

 多機種模擬器 Raine 發布新版,更新如下 :

- what I hope will be the curl final fix, see a few posts higher in this topic for more info, everything should finally work as expected, it will create html files for index in the raine directory when needed.
 - a fix for savegames in the gui which showed by mistake the clones saves at the same time, this thing is never used, really.
 - the neogeo saveram can be saved by game to preserver hiscores, or shared as the neogeo hardware did and as we did until now. Option in neogeo/neocd options.
 - Fixed the colors selection in the gui (gui options / colors), they were broken since the switch to sdl2 ! and slightly improved the look of the green theme by the way.
 - The old behavior of the sdl1 gui where menus appeared behind dialogs in transparency is restored, it's only for dialogs, those having a black title bar.
 You can update the blue theme either by going to gui options / colors / revert to... and choose green, then blue, then exit and the colors are updated. Or edit the bg color in this same menu, and set alpha to 0xc0, same result. Or you can do nothing to keep the old one, but then don't complain if the transparency makes things hard to read sometimes !

mGBA 0.10.3

 老任多機種模擬器 mGBA 發布新版,更新如下 :

Emulation fixes:

  • ARM: Remove obsolete force-alignment in bx pc (fixes #2964)
  • ARM: Fake bpkt instruction should take no cycles (fixes #2551)
  • GB Audio: Fix channels 1/2 staying muted if restarted after long silence
  • GB Audio: Fix channel 1 restarting if sweep applies after stop (fixes #2965)
  • GB Audio: Fix restarting envelope when writing to register (fixes #3067)
  • GB Audio: Improve “zombie mode” emulation in CGB mode (fixes #2029)
  • GB I/O: Read back proper SVBK value after writing 0 (fixes #2921)
  • GB SIO: Disabling SIO should cancel pending transfers (fixes #2537)
  • GBA Audio: Fix sample timing drifting when changing sample interval
  • GBA Audio: Fix initial channel 3 wave RAM (fixes #2947)
  • GBA Audio: Fix sample position issues when rate changes (fixes #3006)
  • GBA GPIO: Fix tilt scale and orientation (fixes #2703)
  • GBA BIOS: Fix clobbering registers with word-sized CpuSet
  • GBA SIO: Fix normal mode SI/SO semantics (fixes #2925)

Other fixes:

  • GB: Fix applying a patch that changes the cartridge mapper (fixes #3077)
  • GBA Savedata: Fix crash when resizing flash save games for RTC data
  • mGUI: Fix cases where an older save state screenshot would be shown (fixes #2183)
  • Qt: Re-enable sync for multiplayer windows that aren’t connected (fixes #2974)
  • Qt: Fix mute settings not being loaded on setting screen (fixes #2990)
  • Qt: Fix screen freezing on macOS after closing save state window (fixes #2885)
  • Vita: Fix camera setting not appearing (fixes #3012)


  • mGUI: Persist fast forwarding after closing menu (fixes #2414)
  • Qt: Add exporting of SAV + RTC saves from Save Converter to strip RTC data
  • VFS: Use anonymousMemoryMap for large 7z allocations (fixes #3013)

Mednafen 1.32.0-UNSTABLE

 多機種模擬器 Mednafen 發布新版,更新如下 :

  • The default key mapping(for new configurations) to exit Mednafen is now only "F12", instead of both "ESC" and/or "F12" as before; additionally, a new mapping for "ESC" to close the netplay console/text popup has been added.
  • Added command-line option "-ovconfig", to load global override settings from the specified file. The global override settings will override any settings loaded from "mednafen.cfg" or set via command-line arguments, but will be overridden in turn by more-specific per-module and per-game override configuration files.
  • Fixed data alignment issue that could produce broken QuickTime videos when using the CSCD codec(the default) with certain combinations of emulation module video settings.
  • Added setting "input.grab.strategy", default value of "full". It can be set to "auto" to enable minimalistic grabbing of the system keyboard and/or mouse, when input grabbing is toggled on, dependent on emulating a virtual keyboard and/or virtual mouse/ball device.
  • On the Windows build, keyboard grabbing will now capture ALT+Tab and the Windows keys, and discard synthetic left CTRL keypresses generated from pressing AltGr.
  • Restored Windows 2000 compatibility, broken in 1.21.0-UNSTABLE, for people who enjoy airgaps, firewalls, and/or insecurities.
  • Fixed fatal startup error when running the Mednafen executable from the root directory of a drive on Windows, a regression introduced around version 1.22.0-UNSTABLE.
  • Apple2: Added support for Apple IIe and Enhanced IIe, selectable via changing the new "apple2.model" setting, or by utilizing the new "model" directive in a MAI file.
  • Apple2: When loading a floppy disk image from a ZIP archive without a MAI file, all other floppy disk images with the same extension in the same directory in the ZIP archive will now also be loaded automatically. If desired, this feature can be disabled by setting the new "apple2.multiload" setting to "0".
  • Apple2: Added setting "apple2.input.kb.ghosting", default value of "1", that can be set to "0" to disable emulation of spurious ghost keypresses.
  • Apple2: Increased the maximum value of the "apple2.video.color_smooth" setting to "2", which will enable more-aggressive composite video color smoothing.
  • Apple2: Added an adjustable composite color video sharpening filter, controlled by the new setting "apple2.video.postsharp".
  • Apple2: Reworked how HGR is handled with the "rgb_alt" and "rgb_alt_tfr" video rendering modes, for consistency with DHGR and to correct a few glitches.
  • Apple2: Added "rgb_qd" and "rgb_qd_tfr" video rendering modes, which will render DHGR at quarter-resolution, and provide two distinct grays, but are otherwise the same as "rgb" and "rgb_tfr".
  • Apple2: Added "rgb_video7" video rendering mode, which supports the additional graphics modes offered by the Apple IIe Video 7 RGB interface, one of which is used by Sierra's AGI games.
  • Apple2: Added high-level(no seek delay) ProDOS-compatible hard disk drive emulation, usable by loading a raw hard disk drive image with an "hdv" file extension, and through the "hdd" directive in a MAI file.
  • PS1: Added support for Konami's "Pop'n Music" controller.
  • SNES-Faust: Fixed distorted graphics in "Marvelous" and "Bishoujo Janshi Suchie-Pai" due to hires color math emulation inaccuracies.
  • SNES-Faust: Fixed letter sprite glitches(horizontal black lines) in "Wordtris".
  • SNES-Faust: CPU writes to VRAM during active display are now blocked. Fixes missing dialog box and text in "Mazinger Z", title screen corruption in "NBA Pro Basketball: Bulls vs Blazers" and "Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling: Chou Senshi in Tokyo Dome", and graphical garbage during startup in "Zen-Nihon Pro Wres". May break ancient ROM hacks and fan translations.
  • SS: Fixed hangs in "Gal Jan", "Kanzen Chuukei Pro Yakyuu Greatest Nine", the USA version of "Creature Shock: Special Edition", and the European versions of "Magic Carpet", "Manx TT SuperBike", and "Revolution X".
  • SS: Fixed erroneous red shadows beneath units during the final episode's first battle in "Sakura Taisen".
  • SS: Added support for loading bootable ROM cart images up to 48MiB in size, with a filename extension of "ss". If the ROM image is 32MiB or smaller, 512KiB of backup memory for save games will be available.
  • SS: Added support for routing SCSP MIDI output to stdout, for debug text output, by changing the new "ss.midi" setting's value to "stdout".

2024年1月4日 星期四

SSF PreviewVer R29 (2024/01/07)

 SEGA SATURN / ST-V模擬器 SSF 發布新版,更新如下 :

R29を更新しました CDDAの強制ステレオ化の機能を追加しておきました OptionのSoundタブに項目が追加されています

R28からの変更点は多すぎて忘れました… WindowsSizeを4倍まで指定できるようにした メモリ検索機能の追加 入力最適化の仮実装 内蔵音源の摘出&SoundTestの仮実装 など

BusWait処理に問題がありそうなので、動作が怪しい場合はBusWaitをOFFにしてみてください あと、MovieがちらつくようならSCU DMA Real TransferをONにするといいかもしれません

Program4タブのEnable DebugをONにするとメモリ検索機能が有効化されます(終了して再起動が必要です) 有効にすると処理が重くなります…

其他關於記憶體檢索 (CHEAT) 相關敘述請看 readme 相關說明....