2013年12月31日 星期二

PS3模擬器 Short Waves 0.0.1

另一款PS3模擬器 Short Waves 也發布了第一版,可執行部分DEMO,效果不差,原文如下:

Short Waves 0.0.1: эмулятор PS3 от разработчика InoriRus

Вчера с администраторами EmuPlace связался разработчик InoriRus - автор эмулятора PS3 под названием Short Waves и предложил ознакомиться с его проектом. Ниже вы можете ознакомиться с информацией об эмуляторе (взято из readme):

Эмулятор Short Waves
Версия 0.0.1 (30.12.2013)

Системные требования: рекомендуется 4-ядерный процессор и DirectX 9.0 совместимая видеокарта, Windows XP или Vista 32-bit. Версия для семерки 64 бит давно не тестировалась (ноутбук сгорел), поэтому может и не запуститься.

До запуска коммерческих игр еще далеко (года два-три). Чудес не ожидайте. Пока можно запускать только небольшие homebrew приложения.

Проект начался в октябре 2012 г. Изначально я хотел вскрыть ресурсы одной игры, но весь контент оказался зашифрован (или запакован) и, чтобы вскрыть алгоритм шифровки, мне понадобился отладчик процессора Cell. Я скачал исходники RPCS3, отстроил код и запустил, программа вылетела с ошибкой, не успев ничего сделать. Меня это жутко расстроило, и я решил построить свой лунапарк.

К проекту RPCS3 этот эмулятор не имеет никакого отношения, не позаимствовано ни строчки кода. Все написано полностью с нуля на основе моих собственных исследований.

На данный момент реализована эмуляция PPU, SPU и RSX. Поддерживаются почти все инструкции. Вершинные и пиксельные шейдеры транслируются напрямую - из бинарного кода RSX в бинарный код DirectX, без промежуточного представления в виде исходного кода. Есть кэш текстур, поверхностей и шейдеров. Все вызовы в ОС перехватываются и исполняются нативно, то есть официальная прошивка для работы не нужна.

Динамической рекомпиляции PPU и SPU не будет. Сейчас уже реализована статическая рекомпиляция PPU: генерируется файл на c++, который в оффлайне компилируется и полученная dll подгружается и исполняется, заменяя работу интерпретатора. Рекомпиляции подвергаются не только простые блоки, но и ветвление, и вызовы функций. Инструкция по использованию рекомпиляции будет позже.

Эмулятор не имеет графического интерфейса. Путь к эмулируемому эльфу и все настройки задаются в конфигурационном файле sw_emu.ini, который должен находится в папке с эмулятором.

Соответствие кнопок на клавиатуре и геймпаде жестко зашито в коде, и через конфигурационный файл пока менять нельзя.
'3' = R3
'8' = L3
'0' = R1
'1' = L1
'9' = R2
'2' = L2

Нажатием на кнопку ESC эмулируемой программе посылается сигнал REQUEST_EXITGAME – принудительное завершение игры или выключение питания на реальной приставке.

Исходный код эмулятора пока закрыт.

Если есть вопросы, пишите:
[см. почтовый адрес автора в readme]

Автор просит всех желающих принять участие в тестировании и сообщить ему при возникновении проблем:

Хотелось бы обратную связь получить по возможным ошибкам в работе. Например, сегодня выяснил, что psgl тесты не на всех видеокартах работают.



2013年12月30日 星期一

Play Station 3模擬器 PS3F !!

是的,另一款PS3模擬器 PS3F 終於發布第一個測試版,這款模擬器是由Sega Saturn模擬器SSF作者所開發的,目前這版尚不能運行遊戲。如果不能執行,請下載微軟 Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 安裝後再執行,手邊沒有PS3遊戲,所以無法做測試,殘念中....  原文如下:

はて…もちろんゲームは動きませんよ。 とりあえず、ニヤニヤしたい人用。 DLLが無いとか言われるならこちら . あと質問不可ね。 まだまだ動くのは先過ぎる…

模擬器官方載點 :

Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4

2013年12月28日 星期六

關於 Sega Model 2 模擬器

已經好久好久沒有 ElSemi 大神的消息了,不過他老人家可沒閒著,Sega Model 2 模擬器在最近應該就會有新消息了,或許近期就會釋出新版也說不定.....

感謝 ElSemi 大神的努力不懈!!

puNes 0.76

FC模擬器 puNes 發布新版,更新如下:

-Added support for compressed archives.
-For the windows version is required the "7z.dll" (already included in the installation's zip).
-For the linux version is necessary that the package p7zip is installed in the system.
-Compressed archives supported: 7z, ZIP and RAR (in the linux version only if p7zip is istalled with RAR extension).
-If 7zip/p7zip library are not found, are managed natively just zip archives.


2013年12月26日 星期四

Mupen64Plus AE v2.4.3

安卓-N64模擬器 Mupen64Plus AE 發布新版,更新如下:

- Fixed bug where IPEGA d-pad was being ignored
- Allow app to be seen in Google Play for touchscreen-less devices (e.g. M.O.J.O)

2013年12月25日 星期三

Merry Xmas And Happy New Year !!

終於...又到了一年一次的................行憲紀念日了!! 在這個值得慶祝的日子(到底在慶祝啥....?)祝大家節日愉快。


首先就PS3模擬器,照目前得到的訊息,明年應該能達到不錯的程度,至於能不能運行商業遊戲?    嗯....再說吧。

至於PS4及XBOX ONE模擬器,(那個啥,打錯了吧?)噢!沒錯!就是剛出了這兩台主機,模擬器出現的速度或許會出乎大家意料之外的快,沒辦法,這就是採PC架構的優點(?)

XBOX ONE就我所知,已經有人展開研究,目前進度不錯哦。真的!也許會跌破大家眼鏡也說不定.....



2013年12月24日 星期二

MAME v0.152

MAME 發布新版,更新如下:


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04424: [Graphics] (seta.c) thunderlbl: [debug] Severe 
  graphic issues (Osso)
- 05357: [Crash/Freeze] (taitogn.c) nightrai: fails to boot 
  into the game (smf)
- 05236: [Graphics] multiple monitor support doesn't work with d3d
- 05391: [Misc.] (cave.c) ppsatan: manufacturer info for ppsatan
- 05383: [Graphics] (twin16.c) hpuncher: Screen is split and 
  graphics are offset (Alex Jackson)
- 00785: [Sound] (omegrace.c) omegrace: Corrupted music after 
  completing first several levels. (hap)
- 05214: [Color/Palette] vector games: Vector games with color overlay 
  show in b&w on Windows D3D render when HLSL is disabled. (hap)
- 05384: [DIP/Input] (lethal.c) lethaleneab, lethaleneae: Language DIP 
  Switch not changing the language (Tafoid)
- 05355: [DIP/Input] (cps1.c) sf2m3 ; sf2m8: Kick inputs are not working 
  LK MK HK (Osso)
- 05375: [Documentation] (sderby.c) sderby, sderby2: 1 set name and 1 
  full name need changed
- 05373: [Crash/Freeze] (capbowl.c) capbowl3, capbowl4: Black screen 
  after starting game (Phil Bennett)
- 05366: [Core] (harddriv.c) harddriv and clones, racedriv and clones: RTC 
  Day and Month error and fails to start
- 05365: [Documentation] (namcos21.c) driveyes: The correct description 
  is "Driver's Eyes (Japan)"
- 05364: [Compiling] Error when compiling with NO_USE_QTDEBUG
- 05356: [Color/Palette] (midvunit.c) offroadc: Off Road Challenge and 
  clones have wrong color in some textures (Phil Bennett)
- 05207: [Graphics] All vector games: In the vector games, graphics 
  remains imprinted even when exit the game. (hap)
- 04947: [Graphics] (midvunit.c) offroadc: Missing selection indicator 
  within service mode. (Phil Bennett)

Source Changes
-vsnes.c: Verified second half roms for vs baseball usa e-1 set, fix
 one mislabeled rom [Dead_Body]

-midvunit.c - Fixed polygon pixel color selection [Phil Bennett]

-peplus.c: Corrected a couple of color CAP sizes. Added the CG graphics 
 roms for Ace$ Bonus Poker. [BrianT]

-scsi: Fixed hard disk images with 256-byte sectors. [Curt Coder]

-Added a simple DC blocker filter to the speaker toggle device [R. Belmont]

-konendev.c: Corrected CPU type (PPC403) and added some hardware notes [Phil Bennett]

-sf.c: update prom names for Street Fighter (World, Analog buttons) set.[Porchy]

-exidy440.c:  Replaced prom dump for all games in driver located at 3K.  
 It is unique to all the other proms and different in size.  [Joe Magiera, Tafoid]

-nss.c: update bios rom locations and update inst rom label for smw;
 marked nss v3 bios as possible hack [Kiddcade, Porchy]

-CPS-1 update [Artemio Urbina]:
 * Redumped CDU_22A.7F in dinou to match real pcb, verified on two
   different sources

-Tweaks to the idehd timing, which are still based on complete fiction. [smf]

-Added a new macro MCFG_DEVICE_CARD_DEFAULT_BIOS, which can be used in
 the machine config to set the default BIOS for a slot card device.
 [Curt Coder]

-SDL: fix non-Qt non-Windows build (MT #5364) [R. Belmont]

-Added SCSI status code & set it in all command handlers. It is sent
 over the bus when in status phase. In case of an error further
 information should be set in m_sense_key/m_sense_asc/m_sense_ascq &
 m_sense_information so that it can be returned by executing a request
 sense command [smf]

-Set the error bit in the IDE status register if the command causes a
 check condition [smf]

-vsnes.c: update labels of vs. Super Mario Bros roms to match physical
 chips exactly. [Dead_Body]

-z80dma: Implemented Auto Restart. [Curt Coder]

-TMS57002 fixes and improvements: [Phil Bennett]
 * Moved CA/ID post-increment outside of execution. Fixes case where
    dual instructions post-increment, also reduces number of generated
 * Fixed data ordering of external memory accesses.
 * Don't generate redundant instructions for undefined rounding modes;
    remap them in decode.
 * Set XOA to 0 on reset.
 * Use [READ|WRITE]LINE_MEMBER for I/O lines.
 * Added PC0 line.
 * Added registers to debugger state.

-wd_fdc: Fixed ready interrupt polarity. Added a soft_reset() function
 which resets only the FDC and not the floppy image devices, thus
 preserving the correct ready states. [Curt Coder]

-Rewrote Konami 056800 (MIRAC): [Phil Bennett]
 * Implemented as an 8-bit device
 * Fixed address mapping
 * Removed bogus timer interrupt
 * Fixed interrupt handling

-054539.c: Fixed input clock rate and implemented programmable timer
 based on hardware measurements [Phil Bennett, Stefan Lindberg]

-lethal.c, mystwarr,c, tmnt.c: Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt. Fixes
 music tempo in some games [Phil Bennett]

-qdrmfgp.c: Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt for qdrmfgp, fixed IRQ
 acknowledge handling [Phil Bennett]

-plygonet.c: Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt, removed non-existent
 second 054539 and fixed EEPROM regression [Phil Bennett]

-hornet.c, gticlub.c: Implemented sound interrupt timer [Phil Bennett]

-konamigx.c improvements: [Phil Bennett]
 * Hooked up 056800 device
 * Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt
 * Removed sound hacks
 * All DSP RAM tests now pass, winspike sound now works

-konamigq.c improvements: [Phil Bennett]
 * Hooked up 056800 device
 * Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt
 * Added TMS57002 DASP

-ultrsprt.c improvements: [Phil Bennett]
 * Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt
 * Implemented VRAM double buffering
 * Improved trackball inputs
 * Fixed sound

-zr107.c improvements: [Phil Bennett]
 * Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt
 * Fixed sound in all games

-rungun.c improvements: [Phil Bennett]
 * Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt. Fixes music tempo
 * Implemented sound CPU NMI control
 * Fixed 054539 #2 regression

-Saves the race driving DSK zram [smf]

-Added all the available beatmania IIDX hard drives and Video CD's/DVD's, 
 updated the hard drive labels from pictures online.  [smf]

-mcs96: Misc. fixes [O. Galibert]

-diserial: Remove defines, cleanup clocks/timers, add sync support [O. Galibert]

-verified The Gladiator internal ROM on an Overseas cart [Artemio Urbina]

-wd_fdc: Set CRC error bit if CRC error found during Read Address
 command. Tiki 100 determines whether the disk is in FM or MFM format
 by checking this. [Curt Coder]

-CPS-1 update:
 * Dumped and added IOB2.11D to sf2ee and sf2ue [Porchy], S9263B.1A to
    sf2ce and sf2hf sets and clones [Porchy], CP1B9KA.9K to pang3

-snk6502.c:  Adjusted Nibbler board clock rate to use actual known
 master clock and a logical divisor.  [Tafoid]

-jedutil.c:  [Kevin Eshbach]
 * Corrected the output of the PAL20X4, PAL20X8, PAL20X10 to show the
    XOR on the relevant sum of products.
 * When viewing a device the size of the JED file is verified to match
    the size of the device.
 * Replaced hard-coded symbol strings with constants.
 * Started experimental work for supporting RICOH PAL.  (Currently
    ifdef'ed out.)
 * Added support for viewing the following devices and the
    corresponding regression test data. (PALCE16V8, PAL10P8, PAL12P6,
    PAL14P4, PAL16P2, PAL16P8, PAL16RP4, PAL16RP6, PAL16RP8, PAL6L16,
    PAL8L14, PAL12H10, PAL12L10, PAL14H8, PAL14L8, PAL16H6, PAL16L6,
    PAL18H4, PAL18L4, PAL20C1 and PAL20L2)

-Added flip screen support to Royal Mahjong and brothers [Angelo Salese]

 V9958: Added preliminary screen modes 10/11/12, used by Puzzle
 Star/Sexy Boom [Angelo Salese, Wilbert Pol]

-vsnes.c: Corrected rom labels and fixed set description for vspinbal
 set [Dead_Body]

-cinemat.c: Correct dipswitches for Vectorbeam's Warrior. [Timothy Shiels]

-vsnes.c: More updated ROM labels, for vs top gun and vs gradius [Dead_Body]

-i386: Fixed P6 CMOVcc instructions, and added CMOV feature flag to
 Pentium Pro and Pentium II CPUs.  Added MMX feature flag to Pentium
 MMX. [Barry Rodewald]

-Fixed a complement by two bug in V9958 YJK table, fixes for good
 colors in Puzzle Star / Sexy Boom / some MSX2+ games. [Angelo Salese]

-Kludged Puzzle Star (Sang Ho Soft) hang at title screen [Angelo Salese]

-Added the SHA1 for System 573 700B01 now that we have a dump. It
 currently expects a different response from the H8 at bootup than the
 other BIOS versions, so the data is stored in a fake rom until it's
 HLE'd better of we get a dump of the H8 internal rom
 [smf, innocent2k, anthonyoftga]

-document that ketsui roms exist with different fill in the unused
 areas [Artemio Urbina]

-upd765: Fixed sense drive status command, and allow floppy connectors
 without drives. [Curt Coder]

-fixed scudsp & ssp1601 entries [Vito]

-Reduce smearing on hlsl prescale [MooglyGuy]

-Corrected 7486 description in head file [MASH]

-various PGM protection cleanups / fixes (orlegend, olds, svgpcb) [iq_132]

-finished modernising i2cmem [smf]

-remodernised x76f041/x76f100 & zs01 so that logging becomes easy again
 & uses READ_LINE_MEMBER/WRITE_LINE_MEMBER so the pins can be bound to
 directly. Hooked up x76f041 to the early beatmania IIDX games. They
 all pass the security check eventually but it takes a long time as it
 repeatedly reads the first byte, it's possible that the contents
 aren't correct as the game says the security is OK even when the data
 returned is not what it's checking for. [smf]

-Added a work round so that CR589 firmware updating works again, either
 from the separate CD's or as part of the game install (for example DDR
 MAX). [smf]

-playch10: update Playchoice-10 BIOS ROM names to match exact chip
 labels and types [Dead_Body]

-naomi/dc: Sanitize screen format, fixes MT5349 [O. Galibert]

-redumped some System 573 CD's [Guru]

-CPS-1 update: Added S222B.1A PAL to ffightj and clones. 
 [Charles MacDonald, Porchy, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

-Created DS1204 device & switched megatouch to use it instead of it's
 own local version (driver could do with some more tidying up as not
 all games use a key but currently it is hooked up to all games).
 Default data comes from a region instead of coded in driver, commands
 & security match are now compared, data is clocked on the correct
 edge, key can be written to and is saved to nvram. [smf]

-redumped bad roms for First Funky Fighter [Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

-Merged othldrby.c with toaplan2.c driver [Angelo Salese]

-Converted Toaplan 2 to use SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS [Angelo Salese]

-Added a core for uPD4992 RTC, used by Othello Derby and Power Kick [Angelo Salese]

-Hooked up ds1204, but haven't found what it checks for yet. Change
 PATCH_PROTECTION to 0 in tmaster.c and VERBOSE_LEVEL to 2 in ds1204.c
 then look for "-> command" in error.log to find the subsequent read
 from the dq pin for reading the identification and secure memory. For
 tm4k the first two bytes of the nvram need to be �0x00, 0xa0. From
 scratch you'll need to play a game before it will complain about the
 protection, but after that it will complain on every boot. It tries
 five different contents for the compare register at various points
 during the bootup, this may be for obfuscation as the real chip will
 return random results if the key is wrong. If the keys are available
 it might be easier to dump them than figure out exactly what it wants.

-svgpcb: added igs027a rom, runs intro, dies trying to go in game, not
 sure why yet [rtw, David Haywood]

-Created a skeleton for the Konami 573 Multi Session Unit, renamed
 digital io board source file to match and moved pcb layout from
 driver. [smf]

-Added skeleton for konami 573 memory card reader and network pcb unit
 devices [smf]

-redumped keyboard mania 3 [Guru]

-Updated konam80s atapi dma kludge so that Guitar Freaks 7th Mix (and
 alot of others) load again [smf] 

-Mambo A GO-GO CD redump in raw mode + raw subcode. [any]

-Improved Sega Bloxeed dipswitches. [Zaphod]

-Added basic 3d FIFO understanding and hooked up FIFO irq processed to
 Hyper Neo Geo 64, meaning a far better 3d display in all games
 [Angelo Salese]

-mc2661: Added various transmission and reception logic to help make
 the above possible [Barry Rodewald]

-twin16.c: [Alex Jackson]
 * Use the correct gfx ROMs for all the vulcan/gradius2 sets
 * Load gfx ROMs using standard macros instead of custom postprocessing
 * Replace custom read/write handlers with AM_REGION, AM_SHARE, or banks as appropriate
 * Fix Extra Life dipswitches in vulcana and vulcanb
 * Fix cuebrick NVRAM size
 * Fix audio cpu RAM size
 * Use XTALs for clocks

-Windows: Fixed D3D multimonitor support. [GroovyMAME]

-Slot options can now be configured inline without creating an array.
 Legacy support for old configuration uses MCFG_FRAGMENT_ADD, which
 required changing so the current device could be updated by the
 fragment. [smf]

-converted cassette, pccard1 & pccard2 slots to use new MCFG macros [smf]

 where only the default option is changed. [smf]

-m68k: add ability for externally-thrown bus errors to have proper
 details [R. Belmont]

-uses device_mconfig_additions() to add ata slots, which allows you to
 just add the device and configure it rather than using the
 MCFG_ATA_INTERFACE_ADD #define. [smf]

-allow building with ICL on Windows if you have it installed into MSVC [Dean London]
 The ICL compiler on Windows installs over MSVC and piggybacks onto the
 build tools Microsoft provide.  To enable compilation use USE_ICL=1
 when compiling with MSVC_BUILD=1 (from the ICL enabled command prompt)
 + gives a more stable build than the MSVC compiler + more informative
 compile errors when using ICL compared to MSVC compiler + can still
 use MSVC debugging tools (better than GCC) + can use additional intel
 tools etc.
 build is still slower than GCC one

-aristmk4.c:  [Lord-Data]
 * Option to raise outputs for physical meters to be used
 * Option to disable making sound effects for emulated meters
 * Option to disable virtual emulation of hopper/coin release system

-k005289.c: refactored, removed redundant state variables and
 unneccessary floating point math, added savestate support
 [Alex Jackson]

-Removed support for static config from slots and converted the two
 devices using it to machine config fragments [smf]

-Pong update: [couriersud]
 * based on feedback from IRC hopefully fixed issues like "jumping"
 * adjusted VR1 and VR2 to 50%
 * disabled all printf output.

-converted serial & rs232 devices to devcb2 [smf]

-diimage: Added load_software_region() function that loads a software
 list region into a shared_ptr. [Curt Coder]

-Added preliminary sound to ghosteo.c by borrowing code from vegaeo.c. [Osso]

-z8.c: Modernized cpu core.  [Wilbert Pol]

-midyunit.c  [Andy Welsh] 
 Fixed inputs and DIP Switches for hiimpact,
 shimpact and clones which were all imported from TROG and mostly

-Added Signetics 8X300 microcontroller core, updated Wicat driver to
 use it.  [Barry Rodewald]

-replaced read rx/cts/dcd callbacks in ACIA6850 write write handlers,
 which allows multiple chips to be connected together without using
 glue methods. [smf]

-Changed Guitar Freaks 7m onwards to use a 32mb PCMCIA card [smf]

-Redumped some beatmania IIDX CD's [Guru]

-Redumped several Konami GV CD's [Guru]

-Redumped several Konami M2 CD's [Guru]

-Redumped various System 573 CD's [Guru]

-i8089: implement remaining instructions and support execution from
 "io" space. [Carl] 

-replaced read callbacks in I8251/Z80DART (and clones)/MC2661/
 MC68901/IM6402/MOS6551/Z80STI/MC6852/MC6854/ZX8302 with
 write handlers, which allows multiple chips to be connected
 together without using glue methods. [smf]

-Removed a load of unused code from MC68901, probably left
 over when it was converted to use diserial. [smf]

-Removed dependency clutter in c64 expansion port, c128 driver,
 ecbbus & econet [smf]
-nemesis.c: added PORT_TOGGLE and PORT_NAMEs to Konami GT.

-Rom locations added for Battles (Xevious bootleg), G.I. Joe,
 Ghosts'n Goblins (US), Victory Road and Guerilla War (Version
 1) as well as nvram location to The Simpsons.  [Kevin Eshbach]

-Added readmes for gijoe, moo, xexex, lethal, mystwarr also
 updating simpsons.  [Guru]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Long Beach [any, hap]
The Gladiator / Road of the Sword / Shen Jian [David Haywood, rtw]
Blastaball (Arcadia, V 2.1) [Unigame]
Pharaohs Match (Arcadia) [Unigame]
Delta Command (Arcadia) [Unigame]
Wave shark/Jet Wave [Phil Bennett]
Puzzle Star (Sang Ho Soft) [Angelo Salese, Wilbert Pol]
Dancing Stage - Internet Ranking Ver (GC845 VER. EBA) [smf, skype]
Player's Edge Plus (XM00007P+XMP00006) Multi-Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X000838S+XS000002) Five Times Pay Slots [BrianT, Kevin]
Player's Edge Plus (X000841S+XS000002) Five Times Pay Slots [BrianT, Kevin]
Player's Edge Plus (X001087S+XS000006) Double Double Diamond Slots [BrianT, Kevin]
Player's Edge Plus (IP0079) Standard Draw Poker - French [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X002420P+XP000064) Deuces Wild Bonus Poker - French [BrianT, Ken]
Power Kick  [bodger319, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, Angelo Salese]
S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (M68k label V100JP) 
  (ARM label V100JP ROM 05/12/05  S.V.G V100) (Japan, JAMMA PCB) [rtw, David Haywood]

New clones added
Scramble (Recreativos Franco, Spanish bootleg) [Basilio Garcia]
The Gladiator / Road of the Sword / Shen Jian (M68k label V100)
   (ARM label V101, ROM 03/13/03 SHEN JIAN) [Artemio Urbina]
Super Chase - Criminal Termination (1992/10/26 20:24:29 CHASE 3 VER 1.1, prototype) [Unigame]
Brick Zone (v1.1) [Unigame]
Cadash (World, prototype) [Unigame]
1942 (prototype?) [Unigame]
4 En Raya (set 2) [Unigame]
Gallop Racer (English Ver 10.17.K) [Arzeno Fabrice, The Dumping Union]
Chase Bombers (prototype) [Unigame]
The First Funky Fighter (set 2) [Unigame]
Cobra Command (Data East LD, set 2) [Unigame] (not working)
Spy Hunter (prototype) [Unigame] (not working, needs more work)
U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (Japan, prototype?) [Unigame]
Syvalion (World, prototype) [Unigame]
Donkey Kong Junior (P kit) [Chris Psaros]
Who Dunit (version 9.0)  [Joe Magiera]
Commando (US set 2) [Kevin Eshbach]
Bucky O'Hare (ver EA) [caius]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0055) Deuces Wild Poker (set 2) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0171) Joker Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (X000054P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0002) Standard Draw Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0455) Joker Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0458) Joker Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0536) Joker Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0726) Double Bonus Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (IP0074) Joker Poker - French [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X000045P+XP000038) 10's or Better [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (XMP00017) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2426) [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0417) Deuces Wild Poker (set 2) [BrianT, Kevin]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0002) Standard Draw Poker (set 2) [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (XMP00017) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2352) [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0046) 10's or Better [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X000002P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X000060P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X000171P+XP000038) Joker Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X000417P+XP000053) Deuces Wild Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X000459P+XP000038) Joker Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X002043P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X002066P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X002121P+XP000037) Standard Draw Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X002150P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X002180P+XP000038) Double Bonus Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Touchmaster 4000 (v6.03 New Jersey) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 4000 (v6.01 Minnesota) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 5000 (v7.10 Minnesota) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 7000 (v8.05 New Jersey) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 7000 (v8.04 Minnesota) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 7000 (v8.00 Minnesota) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
World Kicks (WK3 Ver. A) [Guru]
Wivern Wings [Brian Troha, Tormod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Invasion - The Abductors (version 3.0) [Brian Troha, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter III: New Generation (Euro 970204) [Layne, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
beatmania IIDX Substream (983 JAA) [smf]
beatmania IIDX 5th style (GCA17 JA) [smf]
beatmania IIDX (863 JAB) [Guru]
beatmania IIDX 3rd style (GC992 JAC) [smf]
beatmania IIDX 6th style (GCB4U JAB) [smf]
Tokimeki Memorial Oshiete Your Heart (GQ673 JAA) [Guru]
Total Vice (ver AAB) [Guru]
Super Six Plus II English Mark Darts  [Jim Stolis]
Tokimeki Memorial Oshiete Your Heart Seal Version Plus (GE756 JAA) [Guru]
Submarine (Midway) [John Robertson, hap]
Mambo A Go-Go e-Amusement (GQA40 VER. JRB) [smf]
Touch de Uno! [R. Belmont, bodger319, gamerfan, f205v, Yohji, Smitdogg, rtw, The Dumping Union]


2013年12月23日 星期一

PokeMini Emulator v0.54

老任小玩具大貢獻系列--PokeMini Emulator 發布新版,更新如下:
 -: 0.5.4 Changes :-
  Fixed savestates load/save
  Minor changes

  PSP Only:
  Timezone is now handled correctly

Raine (Win) v0.63.4-17

Raine Logo

多機種模擬器 Raine 再度更新,一樣持續測試中...


higan v093r11

任天堂多機種模擬器 higan 再度更新,目前還在持續測試中,有興趣的可試試。


2013年12月19日 星期四

Yabause 0.9.13

SEGA Saturn模擬器 Yabause 發布新版,更新如下:

So we’re back again with another big release! it also happens to be Yabause’s 10th anniversary this year(as of September) so more things to celebrate!

10 reasons to enjoy this version of Yabause:
  • Working Netlink emulation over LAN/internet
  • CD audio emulation fixes
  • Support for mdf/mds (version 1) dumps
  • CD+G
  • GDB stub
  • Saturn mouse and 3D control pad
  • Awesome new SH2 debugging features
  • More user-friendly interface
  • At least 0.0.1 more than any previous version
  • And of course, better overall emulation
Also, if you want to help contribute to the cause, there’s plenty you can do, and it doesn’t even require programming knowledge!
  1. We need Translators!
  2. We need documentation improvements!
  3. If that doesn’t suit you, how about a $10.10 donation to celebrate our 10th year?

2013年12月18日 星期三

reicast 0.r4

Cover art

reicast - screenshot thumbnail

安卓-Dreamcast模擬器 reicast 發布新版,這款模擬器應該是由nullDC的作者PsyMan主導開發完成的,未來發展不可小覷!!


r4 - slightly better icons
r3 - fixed input, osd. FYI start is left digital trigger on ouya.
r2 - doh, lets compile a branch that works for arm, alrighty?
r1 - omgreleasebloodrush

https://play.google.com/store/ap ... om.reicast.emulator


Higan v093r10

老任多機種模擬器 Higan 發布新版,更新如下:

* Game Boy (Color): STAT OAM+HBlank IRQs only trigger during LY=0-143 with display enabled

* fixes backgrounds and text in Wacky Races

* Game Boy (Color): fixed underflow in window clamping

* fixes Wacky Races, Prehistorik Man, Alleyway, etc

* Game Boy (Color): LCD OAM DMA was running too slow

* fixes Shin Megami Tensei – Devichil – Kuro no Sho

* Game Boy Advance: removed built-in frame blending; display emulation shaders will handle this going forward

* Game Boy Advance: added Game Boy Player emulation

* currently the screen is tinted red during rumble, no actual gamepad rumble support yet

* this is going to be slow, as we have to hash the frame to detect the GBP logo, it'll be optional later on

* Emulator::Interface::Palette can now output a raw palette (for Display Emulation shaders only)
I'm able to load slot games here, so if you still have issues please don't report that unless you have a fix, thanks =)


Pantheon 1.642


多機種模擬器 Pantheon 發布新版,更新如下:

-games for Acorn BBC Micro: 1984, Adventure Quest, Airwolf, Arkanoid, B.C. Bill, Bandit, Bed Bugs, Blagger, Boulder Dash, Bubble Bobble, Castle Dracula, Chuckie Egg, Combat LynX, Crystal Castles, Dallas, Demolator, Dodgem, Dodge'em, Dragon Quest, Emperor, Escape from Orion, Fairground, Fire Hawks, Football Director, Fruity Freddy, Galaxians, Ghost Hunter, Ghouls, Gorf, Green Beret, Hampstead, Hobgoblin 2, Hopper, Hubert, Ice Hockey, Island Adventure, Jack Attack, Joe Blade, Joe Blade 2, Katakombs, Killapede, Klax, Ladder Maze, LazerChess, Looney Lift, Loopz, Mainline, Mega Force, Meteors, MicroBall, Mikie, Moon Cresta, Mr. Do!, Mr. Ee!, Neanderthal Man, Nightshade, One Last Game, Ossie, Pac-Man, Pandemonium, Pantheon, Pedro, Phantom, Pipemania, Psycastria, Psycastria 2, Q-Man's Brother, Repton, Repton 2, Repton 3, Reversi, Reversi 2.32, Rubble Trouble, Sea Adventure, Shark, Shark Attack, Snake, Space Hawks, Space Intruders, Spooks and Spiders, Stix, Super Invaders, Tapper, Temple of Terror, The Amazing Q-Man, The Saga of Erik the Viking, The Stolen Lamp, Transistors Revenge, Tubes, Turbo, Ultron 2, Valley of the Kings, Vindaloo, Warehouse, Wendy goes Walkies, Wheel of Fortune, Woks, Xadomy, XLCR, YoYo


2013年12月17日 星期二

puNES v0.75

FC模擬器 puNES 發布新版,更新如下:

Implemented mappers 83, 90, 163, 164, 209, 211, 249.


FPse for Android v0.11.118

Cover art

安卓-PS模擬器 FPse for Android 發布新版,更新如下:

FPse 0.11.118:
- Fix Cyanogenmod 4.4 crash
FPse 0.11.117:
- Added Menu called Menu with new List Menu and Change Lang
- Added edit title in context cover menus, press on title.
- Fixed big delay in sound on somes devices
- Fixed Nvidia Shield Update 65 scanning storage bug
- Fixed Video bug and crash in soft mode, (IE Civilisation)
- Fixed External pad support and mapping function.
- Fixed Moga Pro L2 + R2 in HID
- Fixed support of Joystick center! play with PS3 or Xbox 360 pad without root.


2013年12月16日 星期一

M64Py 0.1.7

N64模擬器 M64Py (使用 Mupen64Plus 代碼)發布新版,更新如下:

Version 0.1.7
  • log viewer dialog
  • bug fixes

2013年12月15日 星期日

Hyper Pipe X

SNK開發的基板 Hyper Neo Geo 64 在模擬上又向前邁開一步,kale在網站上公布最新進展,看來這根骨頭也即將被啃下...

Got basic understanding about how the 3d pipeline works in Hyper Neo Geo 64. Basically it was an irq issue (one unimplemented irq is needed at FIFO processed) plus some other things like swap / clear buffer that were hooked up in the previous update.
Fatal Fury Wild Ambition
Beast Busters 2nd Nightmare
Off Beat Racer / Xtreme Rally
Roads Edge
Note: definitely behaves oddly on gameplay (most 3d missing plus unplayable)
Buriki One
Finally, both Samurai Shodown are currently with broken 3d, that’s because they sets up the 3d upload register differently compared to the other games.

Burrito Uan

December 11th, 2013
Did some work with Hyper Neo Geo 64, tried to understand some stuff (namely z80 network cpu and 3d pipeline) and read a bit of MIPS code for Buriki One. Got a cheap work-around for the coin insertion so got it to go into gameplay:
EDIT: Played with debugger, entered into service mode and hooked up inputs in Roads Edge. Camera seems very jumpy, I wonder if we have a CPU core bug here …


Raine 0.63.4-15

Raine Logo

多機種模擬器 Raine 發布新版,更新如下:

* assoc: start_music_fadeout accepts a duration
* associations: fix caps, add command 10 for testing (fadeout)
* prevent neocd from using the neogeo assoc config !
* fix a forgotten ?



2013年12月13日 星期五

PSP模擬器 PPSSPP 0.9.6

PSP模拟器 PPSSPP 发布新版,更新如下:

That's right, it's here, in good time for the holidays! This time the main focus has been on speed improvements, but there has obviously been quite a few bug fixes as well, and a new lighter look for the on screen touch controls. Enjoy! And if you're having fun, don't forget to support the project by buying the Gold version.
• Large general speed improvements and assorted bug fixes
• "Software Skinning" option which speeds up many games with animated 3D characters
   (but may slow down a few, like Monster Hunter - experiment with turning it off)
• Various fixes around stencil/alpha, reducing glow problems in Wipeout and Gods Eater Burst.
• Timing improvements making more games run at the correct FPS, also fixing some audio issues
• More debugger features
• Better looking and individually resizable touch controls
• Automatic install of games from ZIP files, like demos and many homebrew.
• Software renderer improvements
• VERY basic ad-hoc online play support, to be improved in future versions.
• And more...
Please note that it often takes a few hours to roll out an update on Google Play, so you may not see it there immediately.


2013年12月11日 星期三

MAME4droid(0.139u1) 1.6.0


安卓-MAME模擬器 MAME4droid(0.139u1) 發布新版,更新如下:

- 2013-12-10 version 1.6.0 Added Peer to peer netplay multiplayer. Added kit kat immersive mode.


2013年12月8日 星期日

higan v093r06a

FC-GB/C-GBA-SFC-NDS模擬器 higan 發布新版,更新如下:

I'm posting a beta release of higan, in the hopes of getting some feedback on the new library system (pictured below; more info on the forums), and reports of any potential new regressions before an official release.
If you're willing to test this, and provide feedback on the forum, it'd be appreciated. Thanks!

EDIT: posted revision A to fix a local path issue.


2013年12月7日 星期六

Mupen64Plus AE v2.4.2

Cover art

安卓-N64模擬器 Mupen64Plus AE 發布新版,更新如下:

- Doom 64 is now playable, thanks to ptitSeb of OpenPandora fame
- Fixed audio latency on most devices (see Audio menu)
- Fixed gles2rice missing heart bug for Zelda games
- Fixed cheat menu regression
- Fixed controller buttons not staying pressed (you MUST reset button mappings)
- Fixed help popup bug
- Devs and expert users can modify more settings in the config files (not generally useful for most users)

2013年12月6日 星期五

ePSXe for Android 1.9.14

ePSXe for Android - screenshot

安卓-PS模擬器 ePSXe for Android 發布新版,更新如下:

Version 1.9.14
* >Added languages Japanese (Nekokabu), Chinese (Chow Chi Hoi), Russian (Ultra Taber), German (Thomas), Italian (Luca), Finnish (Jesse)
*修正了一些於Adreno GPU的OpenGL插件上圖形的問題.
*新增支持配對按鈕清單選項.(例如back=menu 在Nvidia Shield的默認情況下)
*在Xperia Play的Digital mode上支援配對L2/R2實體按鈕.
*修正了10多個新遊戲(例如: NBA Live 99, Kamen Rider V3, Star Wars Rebelt Assault 2, Yeh Yeh Tennis)

My Boy! 1.5.21

My Boy! Free - GBA Emulator - screenshot thumbnail

安卓-GBA模擬器 My Boy! 發布新版,更新如下:


• Fixed black screen or crash on certain devices when OpenGL option is on.

• Native support for MOGA controllers (mode A)
• Trackball input support
• Added on-screen buttons and key mappings for TL+A, TL+B, TR+A, TR+B.
• Raw cheat codes with ':' are now accepted.
• Added 3x to fast-forward speed options.
• Added "Reverse landscape" to screen orientation options.
• Removed option "Use input method", and added "Select input method", allowing you to select a specific input method.

puNES 0.74

Famicom (FC)模擬器 puNES 發布新版,更新如下:

Rewrite the GUI for the input configuration that now are more user friendly (at least for me). I've eliminated the check on the conflicts and if you want (for some reason) use the same keyboard/joystick configuration for all players, now you can (for me it was very useful to do so). Adde an option to permit "Up+Down" and "Left+Right".
Added the support for 4 players (Famicom and Four Score).
I forgot to add support for the roms with the trainer. Done. Now even the rom "Dragon Ball - Shen Long no Nazo (J) [hM34] [T + Eng1.11_TransBRC]" works.

2013年12月3日 星期二

BizHawk 1.5.3

多機種模擬器 BizHawk 發布新版,更新如下:

Some project renaming, including renaming the client to EmuHawk
DO NOT extract this release over a previous release, it needs to be in its folder, and a fresh config.ini

- Events library
* integrate all events into the registered function System
* Allow all events to have multiple functions registered
* Remove all legacy register events in favor of the events library (for more info see the Lua documentation for more information)
* Add event.onmemoryexecute() for some cores (for more info see the Lua documentation for more information)
* Add more core support for event.onmemoryread() and event.onmemorywrite()
* emu.oninputpoll() - Support all cores
- Function reorg - move many client specific function out of the emu library, other misc changes (for more info see the Lua documentation for more information)
- Add emu.getregister() and emu.getregisters()

- Fix black screen on AV capture when OSD is turned on
- Fix exception thrown in Path Config on various browse folder buttons
- Fix scrub input hotkey, on trunk a slight refactoring now that more things are in client.common
- If throwing a fatal exception, EmuHawk will detect if a movie is loaded, ask if you want to save and attempt to save it.
- Turn off rewind for "medium" states, as SNES problems still occur with default settings and it isn't worth it
* also change the default rewind frequency to 4 (if the user does turn it on, this frequency still gives a smooth rewind experience
- Fix the encoding mode of the NES Game Genie Encoder/Decoder dialog
- FirmwaresConfigInfo dialog to show you more information about a firmware (such as which options the DB is allowing)
- VirtualPads
* Fix numeric box updating on Analog forms
* Fix bug where numeric boxes could not be typed into
* Fix bug where analog control panel was not updating on mouse movie
* Add clear button
* Allow smaller minimum size
- Lua Console - Autoscroll the output window as text gets added
- Registered Function dialog
* Change hotkey to F12
* Fix bug where Call and Remove were affecting the wrong scripts
* Allow multi-highlight to call and remove methods
* Add Remove All button
- Misc dialog fixes
- Ram Search
* Fix defaulting to fast mode
* Fix defauling to float for N64 and GBA, now defaults to unsigned
* Misc other fixes
- Play Movie
* Fix exception thrown in Play movie dialog when opening a file with board properties set
* Add Fps and Frame count to the Details grid
- Cheats
* Numerous fixes to the cheat system that were causing it to misbehave, not freeze addresses, throw exceptions and not be able to edit cheats

- Capture PAL flag into movies
- SRAM is now saved into Bizhawk's saveram file instead of m64p's own .sra file
- Flashram is now saved into Bizhawk's saveram file instead of m64p's own .fla file

- Unhide the load TI file menu item
- Keypad - fix tooltips that were broken in a past release
- use newer firmware hashes

- Fix to sound processing - huge speed boost
- Fix RTC in movies


2013年12月1日 星期日

Dolphin v4.0.2

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

One month after the 4.0.1 release we're releasing the maintenance release 4.0.2. It turned out that some critical regressions had slipped into the 4.0 release due to the major changes linked to the wii-network branch and the global user directory changes.
In particular, one of the fixed issues was related to incorrect usage of wxWidgets and caused various problems with general Dolphin usage on Windows systems with Unicode characters in their user name (e.g. "François" or "あいうえお").
Some rather technical issues caused multiple games to stop booting or to freeze randomly. We've had multiple issue reports on this bug, so it's great to see that we were able to fix this properly.
As for the binary release packages, we unfortunately can only provide Windows builds at the moment. As usual, OS X and Linux users can compile the source themselves by checking out the source from the 4.0.2 git tag. The Windows installers can be found on our downloads page, https://dolphin-emu.org/download/. We hope to be able to provide binaries for other systems in the future, though.
If you're a Windows user and still were using Dolphin 4.0.0, you should uninstall Dolphin before installing the update due to some changes to the installer which happened in the 4.0.1 release. All future Dolphin versions will be installed into "Program Files/Dolphin", whereas the 4.0.0 release still used "Program Files/Dolphin 4.0". Your settings and game saves will survive a deinstallation, so you don't need to worry about having to back them up. If your currently installed Dolphin version is already 4.0.1, you can safely ignore this notice.
Of course, if you want to test the most recent improvements which are happening in Dolphin, you can also use the development versions. They are distributed as plain .7z archives, so you test them safely without damaging an existing installation of a stable release. Keep in mind that they're less simple to install and might have little flaws every now and then. However, we will do our best to make the Dolphin experience for the next stable release even more awesome than it is currently, of course!


2013年11月29日 星期五

ePSXe Cheats Pack Numbers-Z v.1.0

PS模擬器 ePSXe 金手指整合包 ePSXe Cheats Pack Numbers-Z 發布新版,裡面包含3~4000多款PS遊戲作弊碼。

使用方法 : 將檔案解壓縮至 ePSXe\cheats\ ,載入遊戲後,按 Esc 回GUI介面,進入Options-->cheat codes ,選擇想開啟的金手指碼,按 Enable--> ,再按OK,之後回到遊戲即可生效.





2013年11月28日 星期四

DeSmuMe 0.9.10

Castlevania Order of Ecclesia  New Super Mario Bros

NDS模擬器 DeSmuMe 發布新版,沒啥好說的,更新就對了!

◾enh: break savestate back-compatibility
◾bug: improve save size autodetection for some games
◾bug: cpu: fix many basic jit cpu bugs
◾bug: 3d: tweak softrasterizer edge marking
◾bug: 3d: fix stale 4x4 texture palettes
◾bug: fix some GPU sprite blending scenarios
◾bug: fix bios HLE BitUnPack, UnCompHuffman
◾enh: modular slot-1 device system, emulate GC bus more faithfully
◾enh: support NAND slot-1 device
◾enh: auto-detect appropriate slot-1 and slot-2 device
◾enh: many revisions to firmware boot process for more authenticity. iQue and FlashME versions function, .dfc rewritten.
◾enh: support streaming NDS file from disk (like an ISO, to avoid long initial load time)
◾enh: run .dsv directly on disk, to save long flushing times. should speed backup operations.
◾enh: spu synch mode and method on commandline

◾bug: fixes to advanscene DB import
◾bug: save opengl display method filter option
◾bug: general bugfixes to various screen layout modes
◾enh: add option to stop non-integer scaling during fullscreen or maximize
◾enh: improvements to save import dialog
◾enh: improved memory viewer tool
◾enh: operate better when run, against our advice, from a zipfile
◾enh: add slot-1 Nitro Filesystem viewer tool

◾bug: fix slot1-R4 path saving
◾bug: fix bug with mic samples < 16khz
◾bug: fix bugs and enhancements in multi display windows
◾bug: fix handling of some joystick analog inputs
◾enh: save display windows configuration and emulation speed on app exit


2013年11月27日 星期三

No$psx v1.7

PS模擬器 no$psx 發布新版,更新內容如下:

26 Nov 2013 - no$psx v1.7
- gpu/detail: added dithering for tex-blended POLYs (unlike tex-blended RECTs)
- gpu/detail: added dithering for monochrome LINEs (unlike mono POLYs and RECTs)
- gpu/detail: faster gouraud rendering when dithering is off (no dummy dither)
- gpu/bugfix: swapped setmask/chkmask in cpu-to-vram transfer (fixes RC Revenge)
- gte/detail: supports 32bit rtps/rtpt overflows (fixes R4 Ridge Racer Type 4)
- dma: added delay before DMA1 IRQs (fixes DinoCrisis1+2,FearEffect,Xenogears)
- dma: pauses CPU during DMA (more accurate and releases cpu emulation load)
- dma: accepts non-standard control values (with warning) (instead of rejecting)
- mdec: low level IDCT emulation (slow, used only for nonstandard scaletable)
- mdec: accurate RLE emulation (with rounding, saturation, and quant disable)
- mdec: emulates status bit31 (data.out.fifo not empty) (for manual reading)
- dma/mdec: removed pusha/popa pairs (allows to modify mips intcount register)
- help: gpu: corrected dithering info (different cases for polys/lines/rects)
- help: add notes on CPU being stopped during DMA (and resumed between blocks)
- help: added info on the two DMA "start" flags (start/busy and start/trigger)
- help: added list of commonly used DMA control register values for DMA starting
- help: added basic info on DMA transfer timings and DRAM hyper page mode
- help: added info on DMA chopping mode (runs CPU during gaps in DMA transfer)
- help: mdec/y_to_mono: supports only max 9bit (bigger values aren't saturated)
- help: mdec/idct: added note that scaletable uses upper 13bit only (not 16bit)
- help: mdec/idct: low level idct formula (diagonally mirrored matrix multiply)
- help: mdec/rle: rle result is rounded up (plus 4 before div 8)
- help: mdec/rle: rle result is saturated to signed 11bit range
- help: mdec/rle: q_scale=0 forces n*2 instead of n*qt[k], or n*qt[k]*q_scale
- help: fast mdec decoder: simplified idct_core (flipped src/dst instead of x/y)
- help: fast mdec decoder: fixed "scalezag" pseudo code (divide entries by 8)
- help: added IC703 "SONY CXA1791N" pinouts (RF Amplifier on PU-18 boards)
- help: added notes on Garbage Area at Address 00000000h (for R-Types/FadeToB)
- debug: profiler supports dma transfer logging (shown as "DMAn.subfunctions")
- debug: iomap resolves timer clock-source, sync-mode, and some timer flags
- debug: tty irq-logging shows dma channel names(s) that have caused dma-irq3
- debug: tty gpu-command-logging (can log more than 1 frame, unlike vram viewer)
- screenshot: fixed num_colors entry in truecolor bmp header (1 SHL bpp AND 1FE)
- screenshot: fixed auto-generated screenshot filenames (.bmp instead .gif)
- bios: fixed messed-up stack in bios clone's do_exec (fixes developers demo)
- bios: applies [00000004h]=275A0C80h garbage (required for bugged FadeToBlack)
- bios: applies [00000000h]=00000003h garbage (required for bugged R-Types)
- bios: skips "patch_missing_cop0r13_nonfunctional" (bugged hitmen/minimum demo)
- cd/loader: accepts cue/bin with 920h-byte sectors (eg. pdx-rh.cue demo)
- controls: changed default to digital joypad (avoids incompatibility issues)


2013年11月26日 星期二

SEGA Dreamcast 15th Happy Birthday !!

遙望15年前,5月11日看到 SEGA 在日經刊登了一則廣告--(セガは倒れたままなのか?)當時內心震驚到不可言表,但隔天的廣告則打上幾個大字--(逆襲へ、Dreamcast )。宣告 SEGA 的反擊正式展開!







會員卡--(sorry 編碼我塗掉了)







最後僅祝 Dreamcast 15歲生日快樂,並等待 SEGA 真正再起之日的來臨。

(哪天也讓初版的 SEGA Saturn 出來曬曬太陽)......