2012年8月31日 星期五

NDS 多媒體記憶卡(?)

繼上次買了2手NDSL之後,發現這張 R 4 i  新[多媒體記憶卡]不能待機,原本就對NDS不甚了解的我,找了一些資料後,發現官方論壇提到手工修復的方法,一時手癢,立馬就拆了這張卡,利用香菸錫箔紙(不抽菸的我才發現這張薄薄的紙有多難找)修復了一下,測試後成功待機 !!


提到對岸的產品,令我又愛又恨.很多3C在發表時令人想立即入手,但入手後才是考驗的開始,先是產品質量,好運得時鐘-歹運得龍眼(請自行翻成台語),之後的的軟體更新更是問題.數月前幫老姐的小朋友買了 一台7吋平版,當時號稱可完美升級安卓4.0,結果竟然因硬體設計問題而無法升級,而官方更是因此拋棄了買第一批的用戶......真是OOXX在心頭,只能告誡自己,凡事不得不慎........

2012年8月29日 星期三

安卓上的NDS模擬器 nds4droid V6

安卓上的NDS模擬器 nds4droid 發布新版,這款模擬器借鏡DeSmuME代碼開發而成,兼容性不錯,速度偏慢.





2012年8月28日 星期二

GameBoy模擬器 BGB 1.4.1


擁有強大除錯功能的老牌 GameBoy 系列模擬器 BGB 發布新版,這款模擬器擁有非常強大的debug功能,並且支援連線對戰,是少數還在更新的GB模擬器.



• greatly improved game link accuracy, most games should now work perfectly.
• added optional HQ2X and Scale2x graphics filters
• various accuracy improvements including sound registers, joypad timing, and lcd/interrupt timing
• Performance/efficiency improvements including waitloop detection and more efficient high quality sound rendering and others
• Major debugger improvements: Supports SYM files containing debug symbols. "on jump" access breakpoints. immideate entry of data into assembler, data, and stack viewer. improved assembler flexibility. Multiline code/data entry window. Keyboard shortcut for navigation to previous/next breakpoint, label etc. Live update memory mode. edit IO map registers. Fixed causes of accidental running while debugging.
• Sound quality improvements: CH3 and CH4 are now bandlimited in high quality mode. Improved DC offset accuracy. fixed sound timing inaccuracies.
• Improved WAV writer + screenshot recording. Fixed audio/video desync problems. Exported files are now better named.
• fixed windows 98 compatibility problem. eliminated requirement for DX9. improved wine support.
• New truecolor/hi-res icon.
• Many small bug fixes and improvements.


2012年8月26日 星期日

clrmamepro 4.07a

大部分的mame進階使用者應該都知道mame每次更新後,rom都會有些許變動,所以如何有效率的整理這些rom就是一門必學的功課.  clrmamepro  這款整理工具就是其中的佼佼者,在mame發布新版後,這個工具也隨之推出最新版,有需要的朋友不可錯過.



NDS模擬器 DuoS Beta 後續

這款剛出爐的NDS模擬器,看來是來者不善! 昨天花了一點時間測試一下......遊戲兼容性超高!!手邊遊戲一一測試,竟然都能運行,速度相當不錯!第一版就能有如此表現,讓人不禁對未來發展充滿期待.作者同時也發布了一款PS模擬器 AdriPSX , AdriPSX 存在已久,只是已沉寂多年,剛剛試了一下,程式出錯模擬失敗,目前還在找錯誤原因....總之目前個人相當看好這2款模擬器的前景,期待未來後續進展!


DuoS        http://ds-duos.blogspot.tw/


AdriPSX    http://adripsx.blogspot.tw/

2012年8月25日 星期六

NDS模擬器 DuoS Beta

NDS模擬器 DuoS 發布了第一個公開測試版,大致上效果不錯,部分遊戲圖層有點問題,音樂尚可,作者原話如下:


Well, finally I made it. I hope you all like it.

A few last minute bugs were detected last night, and some quality downgrade happened... but I wanted to keep my promise and release the emu as it is. There's a lot of room for improvements, and stuff to improve... but it's not all that bad for a Beta.

Next week, I'll try to do some touches to DuoS older sister project AdriPSX PSEMU, so I might re-released it with some updates and fixes around next month. I haven't touched its blog in ages, but you can visit it at    http://adripsx.blogspot.com

Please refer to the Download Links section, and send me feedback about the emu... you like it or not!

Thanks to you all for your continuous support!




下載 :  http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/KTUCGSSBJZXY



多機種模擬器 FB Alpha 發布

多機種模擬器 FB Alpha 發布新版,更新如下:

 • Sound Improvements
 ◦ Tidied sound chip interfaces, adding support for volume and left/right selection for individual routes. Updated all drivers to support. Many drivers sound much better with these updates [Barry]
 ◦ Fixed an issue with multiple YM2203 chips that resulted in static noise in the sound output [Barry]
 ◦ Added pan support to Taito drivers that use panning with the YM2610 sound chip [Barry]
 ◦ Added pan support to the Darius driver [Barry]
 ◦ Added support for an RC filter, and added support to the Galaxian Konami sound based drivers [Barry]
 ◦ Fixed various drivers that rendered the MSM5205 sound too fast when the sample rate was greater than 22050Hz [Barry]
 ◦ Applied a YM2413 fix from MAME [Barry]
 ◦ Added support for a selectable number of voices in the Namco sound module (fixes sound in the Baraduke, Pac Land and Sky Kid drivers [Barry]
 ◦ Added multiple chip support to the Sega PCM module, updated Super Monaco Grand Prix to support the extra sound board [Barry]
 ◦ Added support for the MSM6585 chip to the MSM5205 core [iq_132]
 ◦ Added multiple chip support to the Y8950 interface, and hooked up in the Cybertank driver [Barry]
 ◦ Small speedup in the DAC core [iq_132]
 • Standardised some CPU interfaces [iq_132]
 • Improved Atari slapstic emulation, and updated the Gauntlet driver to support it [iq_132]
 • Added driver for Atari Tetris [iq_132]
 • Added driver for Cybertank [iq_132]
 • Hooked up analog inputs in the Cybertank driver [Barry]
 • Added driver for games on Donkey Kong hardware [iq_132]
 • Tidied Donkey Kong driver to build with current FB Alpha, and fixed some bugs and crashes [Barry]
 • Added driver for Konami Test Board (GX800) [iq_132]
 • Added Bang 2 Busters to the Neo Geo driver [lantus]
 • Added Treasures of the Carribean to the Neo Geo driver [lantus]
 • Added Last Survivor to the Sega X-Board driver [Barry, JacKc, ShouTime, Charles MacDonald, Aaron Giles, 9ofzeven, TrevEB, Dr. Spankenstein, ghoolster, Surgeville, Tormod, Tjaberg, Waremonger]
 • Added Racing Beats to the Taito Z driver [Barry]
 • Added bootleg of 1943 to the driver [Barry, JacKc, bonky0013]
 • Added clone of Arkanoid to the driver [Barry]
 • Added bootleg of Pang! 3 to the CPS-1 driver [JacKc, porchy]
 • Added some bootlegs of Street Fighter II to the CPS-1 driver [Barry, JacKc, smitdogg]
 • Added clone of Super Street Fighter II to the CPS-2 driver [JacKc]
 • Added two clones of Thunder Zone to the Data East drivers [ShouTime, JacKc]
 • Added two clones of Dynamite Duke to the driver [JacKc, Arzeno Fabrice]
 • Added clone of War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze to the Galaxian driver [Barry]
 • Added clone of Jumping Pop to the driver [Barry, The Dumping Union]
 • Added clone of Parodius to the Konami driver [Barry, Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
 • Added King of Gladiators Plus to the Neo Geo driver [JacKc]
 • Added homebrew WW2 Demo to the Neo Geo driver [Barry]
 • Added homebrew Spiderman Intro demo, and added alt sets of TMNT and Dark Wing Duck intro sets to the Neo Geo driver [Barry]
 • Added clone of Ketsui Arrange to the PGM driver [JacKc]
 • Added clone of Raiden to the driver [Barry, JacKc]
 • Added two clones of Fantasy Zone II (System 16C version) to the Sega System 16B driver [Barry]
 • Added clone of Turbo Outrun to the Sega Outrun driver [JacKc]
 • Added clone of AB Cop to the Sega X-Board driver [JacKc]
 • Added clone of GP Rider to the Sega X-Board driver [Barry]
 • Added clone of Deer Hunter to the Seta 2 driver [JacKc]
 • Added clone of Drift Out to the Taito F2 driver [JacKc, Hammy]
 • Added clone of Rygar to the Tecmo driver [JacKc, smitdogg]
 • Added clone of Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! to the Toaplan 2 driver [Barry, Antonio Gonzalez Jr.]
 • Added bootleg of Toki to the driver [Barry, skiltz]
 • Added clone of Trojan to the driver [JacKc]
 • Fixed bugs in 4 Fun in 1 and Ghostmuncher Galaxian in the Galaxian driver, promoting them to working [Barry]
 • Changed Fantastic to use the proper PROM dump in the Galaxian driver, fixing the game colours [Barry]
 • Changed Super Bond to use the proper PROM dump in the Galaxian driver, fixing the game colours [Barry]
 • Various PGM improvements [iq_132, JacKc]
 • Fixed a graphics glitch in the Super Monaco Grand Prix title screen [Barry]
 • Fixed issue with Top Speed crashing on driver init [Barry]
 • Big-endian fixes for the Cybertank driver [lantus]
 • Big-endian fixes for the Sega System 16A and Tecmo drivers [lantus]
 • Big-endian fix for Street Fighter II: Magic Delta Turbo sprite x position [lantus]
 • Applied various libretro patches [Twinaphex]
 • Updated the zlib library to v1.2.7 [Barry]
 • Updated the libpng library to v1.5.12 [Barry]
 • Matched the Megadrive sets to MESS 0.146u5 [Barry]
 • Synced sets with MAME 0.146u5 [Barry]



2012年8月21日 星期二

MAME 0.146u5




這次更新了幾款老人喜歡的遊戲(嗯.沒錯,是老人),改寫了部分驅動代碼,修正部分錯誤(謎之聲:不是每次都是如此嗎...)  更新如下:



MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 03696: [Crash/Freeze] (tetrisp2.c) nndmseal: [debug] Assertion (after ok)
in Debug build (Luca Elia)
- 04972: [Documentation] (vega.c) vega: Olympia is misspelled
- 04962: [Crash/Freeze] (taito_l.c) plottinga: Crash during init
before OK (David Haywood)
- 04961: [Gameplay] (darkhors.c) darkhors: Game no longer allows for
boot up (David Haywood)
- 04960: [Crash/Freeze] (cdi.c) All sets in cdi.c: Quizard games do not
boot after initial startup screen (David Haywood)

Source Changes
- Fully modernized Sega 16-bit drivers. Converted FD1089, FD1094,
and Sega memory mapper, divide, multiply, and compare/timer
chips to modern devices. [Aaron Giles]

- Added preliminary colour cycling effect to Sky Destroyer
[David Haywood]

- Fixed remaining input issues in Sky Destroyer [Angelo Salese]

- Fixed sprite GFX order in Cycle Maabou [Angelo Salese]

- Hooked up inputs in Cycle Maabou [Angelo Salese]

- ppc: Added callbacks for buffered external DMAs. [Ville Linde]

- Hooked up preliminary sound to Lock N Loaded [Angelo Salese]

- Started the process of converting some Kaneko games to use devices.
[David Haywood]

- crgolf.c: Adjusted rom names to better represent actual rom labels
improved documentation for other dumped sets. Added protected PAL
dump. [Kevin Eshbach, Tafoid]

- st0020 (seta blitter + zooming sprites) is now a device.
[David Haywood]

- Added PLD from Xenophobe Sounds Good board. [Kevin Eshbach]

- memory: Add support for dynamically mapping devices [O. Galibert]

- v30mz.c: Converted to c++. [Wilbert Pol]

- H8: Very preliminary H8S/2294 support [R. Belmont]

- invqix: General EEPROM, FPGA, and IRQ hookups. [R. Belmont]

- invqix.c: Added PCB layout for Space Invaders / Qix Silver Anniversary
Edition [Brian Troha]

- invqix: Added inputs and sound, promoted to working. Qix has some TBD
text weirdness. [R. Belmont]

- Added inputs, sound, graphics and fixed colors to Bega's Battle / Road
Blaster HW [Angelo Salese]

- invqix: some cleanup, mapped all 4 start buttons, cocktail flip works
[R. Belmont]

- tickee.c: Correct the dipswitches for Mouse Attack and add dipswitch
locations. [Brian Troha]

- Tank Force - 4 Player (tankfrce4) Inputs were switched so that Player
2 was no longer assigned to Player 3 and vise versa. [Tafoid]

- model2.c: Fixed the loading of the sound samples for the Sega Rally Championship
sets and added correct IC locations to the roms. Labeled the current sets "Twin"
and added a "DX" set. Documented the missing (undumped) roms for the DX set.
[Brian Troha]

- H8/H8S: fix MULXS.B to select the proper source register. Fixes text
in Qix section of invqix. [R. Belmont]

- H8/H8S: Correct disassembly of MULXS.B and MULXS.W [R. Belmont]

- Updated some drivers to use the new SN76496 device implementation.

- Kaneko sprites are now a device. This should facilitate cleaning up
video related files as well (sprites and tilemaps). [David Haywood]

- [SAA5050] Fixed double high character mode, and forced character data
to 7-bit. [Curt Coder]

- drcbec: compute flags correctly for ADDC/SUBB [R. Belmont]

- SDL: Fix -prescale option for SDL builds [Matthias Reichl]

- Vulgus information confirmated from PCB for clock speed and vsync
[Corrado Tomaselli]

- emucore: make downcast errors more useful [O. Galibert]

- drcbec: Calculate NZ flags properly for 32x32=32 form of MULS.
[R. Belmont]

- Hooked up i8255 in Kikiippatsu Mayumi-chan [Angelo Salese]

- bzone: Corrected bonus tanks typos [Don Hodges]

- addrmap: Fix device mapping on big-endian systems [O. Galibert]

- rp5c15: Initialize at power-on (makes the x68k boot reliable)
[O. Galibert]

- 8080bw.c: Moon Lander color proms verified correct.
[Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

- lwings.c: Added PCB locations to the Trojan sets. [Brian Troha]

- parodius.c: Corrected rom PCB locations for all the Parodius DA! sets.
[Brian Troha]

- dassault.c: Added PCB locations to all the Thunder Zone / Desert Assault sets.
[Brian Troha, ShouTime]

- dassault.c: Better documented the PCB stack and changed clocks to be derived by on board OSC.
[Brian Troha, Stefan Lindberg]

- Added internal mouse cursor visible in menus and when clickable
artwork is used [Miodrag Milanovic]

- Preliminary implementation of the MOVBSU opcode in V810 CPU core
[Angelo Salese]

- Added ANDNBSU and ORBSU opcodes in V810 CPU core [Angelo Salese]

- Added dynamic length to the color PROMs decode routines based on ROM
region length. This fixes a horrible hang/crash in DEBUG=1 builds.
[Roberto Fresca]

- PPC: fix SRAW behavior with C backend. x86/x64 BEs need work to pass.
[R. Belmont]

- Hooked up Epson 62423 RTC device to Hyper Neo Geo 64 [Angelo Salese]

- Made 24/12h bit register to be correctly activated in Epson 62423 RTC
device [Angelo Salese]

- Implemented irq ack/pending mechanism to Hyper Neo Geo 64
[Angelo Salese]

- PowerPC: fix CMP/CMPI instructions; they were behaving as CMPL/CMPLI
and generating wrong flags [R. Belmont]

- Further major organization, documentation, reordering and making of
clones causing numerous (over 6000) new gambling / Fruit machine sets
to be created, covering multiple systems. [David Haywood]

- First round of GD-ROM redumps. Many more to come. [The Dumping Union, R. Belmont]

- peplus.c: Added dollar bill validator (DBV) to emulate IGT's IDO22 pulse protocol.
All non-superboard games (and a few superboards) now accept bills via IPT_COIN2.
Denomination is determined via driver configuration settings.
The Set Chip steps are still required to enable the DBV before use. [Jim Stolis]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Sky Destroyer
[Gnoppi, P. Vining, C. Bristow, gatt9, Phil Bennett, Tormod, Andrew Welburn,
Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, Angelo Salese, David Haywood]
Cycle Maabou [Angelo Salese]
Space Invaders / Qix Silver Anniversary Edition
[Tormod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, R. Belmont, Angelo Salese]
Pairs Redemption (V1.0, 10/25/94) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Last Survivor
[ShouTime, Charles MacDonald, Aaron Giles, 9ofzeven, TrevEB, Dr. Spankenstein,
ghoolster, Surgeville, Tormod, Tjaberg, Waremonger]
Cyber Tank [David Haywood, Angelo Salese, hap]

New clones added
GP Rider (Japan) [ShouTime, Charles MacDonald, Aaron Giles]
AB Cop (Japan) [ShouTime]
Ninja Baseball Bat Man II (bootleg/hack)
[Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, David Haywood] (NOT WORKING)
Samba de Amigo (prototype) [Arzeno Fabrice] (NOT WORKING)
Blood Storm v1.04 [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
JuJu Densetsu (Playmark bootleg) [skiltz]
Nandemo Seal Iinkai (Astro Boy ver.) [Guru, Luca Elia]
GTI Club (ver UAA) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union] (NOT WORKING)
Sega Rally Championship - DX (Revision A)
[Brian Troha, The Dumping Union] (NOT WORKING)
Panic Road (Germany) [ShouTime] (NOT WORKING)
Parodius DA! (Asia) [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Megatouch IV (9255-40-01 ROA, Standard version)
[Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Olympic Soccer '92 (set 2) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union] (NOT WORKING)
Trojan (US set 2) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Thunder Zone (Japan) [ShouTime]
Thunder Zone (Rev 1, World) [Stefan Lindberg]
777 Heaven (Project) (20p 6GBP Jackpot Version 114) (PROCONN) [launton /MPU Mecca] (NOT WORKING)
777 Heaven (Project) (10p 3GBP Jackpot Version 380) (PROCONN) [sam20sam /MPU Mecca] (NOT WORKING)
777 Heaven (Project) (5p 3GBP Jackpot Version 105) (PROCONN) [sam20sam /MPU Mecca] (NOT WORKING)
777 Heaven (Project) (10GBP Jackpot) (PROCONN)[launton /MPU Mecca] (NOT WORKING)
Jumping Jacks (Project) (set 2) (PROCONN) [Pete W. /MPU Mecca] (NOT WORKING)
Initial D Arcade Stage Ver. 3 Cycraft Edition (Rev. B) (GDS-0029B) [The Dumping Union]
Sega Network Taisen Mahjong MJ 3 (Rev F) (GDX-0017F) [The Dumping Union]


N64模擬器 ICE64 v3.0.0 發布

N64模擬器 ICE64 是基於之前的 NICE64 改版而來,更新如下:


Core Changes

◦ remove debug opcode check
◦ new address boundary check for PI, SP, SI and AI
◦ minor update to flashram codes
◦ fix a SRAM read mem bug
◦ new audio interrupt check function
◦ update SP task function codes
◦ new aud calculation logic for MusyX
◦ allow NBA Showtime to use higher CF at 4X speedup
◦ minor update to gfx interrupt check codes
◦ minor update to audio plugin interrupt check codes
◦ correct one of signal register typo(?) pointing to wrong register
◦ new SP task trigger from SP status register
◦ update Core Audio handling codes
◦ substantial speed gain for almost all games (need to recheck and update games setting) :(
◦ speedup frame transition during game play by removing lag from source codes
◦ remove hack codes from new timer event
◦ handle new timer event type
◦ testing with "Delay DMA & AI"
◦ additional flush register codes for some opcodes
◦ remove wrong countdown
◦ minor update to Empty, B and BR type codes
◦ update some register cache functions codes
◦ minor update to audio plugin codes
◦ minor update to gfx plugin codes for stability purpose
◦ fix texshift bug affecting flashram game
◦ HyperBike no longer crash during boot after Paper Mario
◦ Chameleon Twist 2 no longer crash during boot after Derby Stallion


Games Improvement

◦ Taz Express, NBA Showtime & NFL QBC 98 are working and playable
◦ TAZ has some intro text bug and need to work on no buffer clearing codes
◦ NBA Showtime is very timing sensitive and may hang during gameplay
◦ recommended settings work for me @ 40 - 50 VI/s
◦ need to further optimize sound and game stability
◦ Pokemon Stadium missing winning slot pokemons are now visible after winning a stadium battle badge
◦ Indy Racing 2000 can go in-game with no Audiosync at 3X speedup
◦ In-Fisherman can run at max VI/s with no Audiosync and no "SP DMA Read Error" at CF3
◦ Power Rangers in-game voice sync with text display with no Audiosync, fix ugly vertical strip after clearing each level, faster intro framebuffer effect display
◦ fix AeroFighter's Assault voice overlap in intro cutscene using CF1 at max VI/s
◦ fix random hang for Conker, TGR2 etc (verified in tests only)
◦ fix Mario Golf 64 regression
◦ fix Pokemon Stadium 2 regression from NICE64 v2.1.0
◦ fix TGR2 flickering tutorial race help text together with intro fullscreen switch issue (both affect each other)
◦ fix Paper Mario framebuffer regression at intro cutscene
◦ fix V-Rally 99 regression




下載 : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ice64/gQs2I-dOxGs%5B1-25%5D

2012年8月19日 星期日

FC (Famicom) 模擬器 HalfNes 0.050



這款模擬器並不是最佳的,不過他還在更新(還活著),不怕慢,就怕停滯不前.  更新如下:


* Lots of minor improvements for this release, and new mapper support as well. Thanks to Nawrot Kryzystof for many of these fixes.

Added Mappers:

* Mapper 10 (Fire Emblem, Famicom Wars)

* Mapper 19 (Megami Tensei II, Rolling Thunder (J), etc.) with expansion sound

* Mapper 34 (Impossible Mission II)

* Mapper 38 (Crime Busters)

* Mapper 64 (Klax, Rolling Thunder (U))

* Mapper 70 (Kamen Rider Club)

* Mapper 89 (Mito Koumon)

* Mapper 93 (Fantasy Zone (J))

* Mapper 94 (Senjou no Oukami)

* Mapper 97 (Kaiketsu Yanchamaru)

* Mapper 107 (Magic Dragon)

* Mapper 140 (Bio Senshi Dan)

* Mapper 152 (Arkanoid 2)

* Mapper 180 (Crazy Climber)

* Mapper 185 (Spy Vs Spy (J) but NOT Banana)

* Mapper 200 (36-in-1 Multicart)

* Mapper 203 (35-in-1 Multicart)

* Mapper 240, 246 (More Chinese original games)


* Fixed DMC timing (passes DMC basics test and makes Bee 52 work better)

* CPU interrupt is delayed so CLI+SEI only causes 1 interrupt after SEI (fixes Break Time, Hebereke)

* Fixed APU frame counter reset to within 1 CPU opcode of correct timing

* Fixed APU sweep behavior when clocked then immediately reset (Super Mario Bros. sound effects, Driar wrong notes in music)

* Updated VRC7 sound to use new patch set from nesdev, changed the way modulator feedback works, increased envelope attack rate

* Added CRC to options menu to make verifying dumps easier

* Fixed Uchuusen – Cosmo Carrier mirroring

* Fixed bug with file dialog where it wasn't clearing the old name when loading a ROM by double clicking


* Lagrange Point intro was broken by the CPU interrupt change. Game is still playable.



2012年8月18日 星期六

多機種模擬器 RetroCopy 1.0 beta 4

多機種模擬器 RetroCopy 發布新版了,這款模擬器有意思的地方是 全3D GUI ,有點類似進入街機廳後選台的感覺.支援機種有:

Arcade + 媒體播放 + NES(老任紅白機) + gg + MD + sms 等等,自定義功能強大,更新如下:


Please offer suggestions, criticism and whatever else you want! Only Sega Master System is included for this public beta, the other systems will follow once we have ironed out any bugs in the core and/or the addition of netplay.


Also I'll only be doing windows builds for a little while to speed up the bug hunting process.



2012年8月17日 星期五

SFC模擬器 no$sns 1.3






* controls: auto-disables any joypads that use same port as newly enabled one
* controls: emulates four twin taps (with multitap; keyboard keys 1..8)
* controls: emulates barcode battler (paste from clipboard, or manual key-in)
* controls: emulates miracle piano (keyb only, not the undumped synthesizer)
* video: added support for directdraw4 and directdraw7 structures
* emu: emulates NSS (z80, osd, rtc, prom, eeprom, inst-rom, controls, etc)
* emu: added pachinko controller (via analog joypad y-axis forward)
* a22i: added directives for generating NSS inst-roms (see magicflr.zip)
* help: added full nintendo super system (arcade cabinet) (NSS) specs
* help: added specs on sunsoft pachinko controller, fixed barcode battler specs




2012年8月15日 星期三

NDS模擬器 DeSmuME JIT (Just-In-Time)



記得數年前,No$gba 算是gba模擬器中表現相當傑出的其中之一(Debug功能超強),許多人甚至利用它來做中文化.之後在2.2版正式加入NDS模擬功能. 當時為了研究No$gba模擬NDS的方法,失眠了2天,找齊檔案與工具後開始一段在電腦銀幕上使用滑鼠體驗觸控的生活...


時至今日,目前最活躍的就只剩下 DeSmuME . DeSmuME 發展到現在已經算是相當成熟了,不過對我而言卻不是一個很適用的模擬器,原因出在自己身上.....電腦硬體啃不下這根骨頭,運行速度較差.但近期試用了......JIT (Just-in-time) 版 之後,速度與官方版相比相差甚大,不開啟跳幀的情況下,大多數遊戲都能在滿幀的速度下運行,真是一大驚喜.面對目前的現狀不禁讓人竊想.................那3DS呢?



2012年8月13日 星期一


說起SEGA,心中充滿酸甜苦辣. 早期街機時代,SEGA代表的就是硬派,其實對我來說,印象最深的並不是MODEL3,而是MODEL2.依稀記得當年看到 Virtua Fighter 2 時的震撼......(嚇死我了!!) 直到MODEL3基版問世,將電玩帶向另外一個層次...(嗯...離題了).幸好有模擬器的存在,使得好作品不至於在時間洪流中消失.

SUPERMODEL 這款開發已久的MODEL3模擬器,以目前模擬現狀來說,前景十分看好.感謝模擬器作者的辛勞付出,SPIKE OUT 得以在我的面前重現,除了感恩,還能說些什麼.....





2012年8月12日 星期日

SEGA Chihiro

前2個星期在UG逛的時候,眼前突然一片強光,光芒退去後定眼一看...原來是 SEGA Chihiro 基板遊戲釋出了.SEGA Chihiro的遊戲其實早就在MAME的淫威之下屈服了,數多遊戲老早就被dump了,不過這次UG釋出的是......解碼後的數據,也就是破解後的遊戲.   此刻腦中響起一陣音樂.......就是早期著名電影 大白鯊 的配樂,濃濃的血腥味不斷襲來,使Chihiro這個受害者低頭的會是誰呢? 是Demul嗎? 還是.......



其實並沒有特別慾望想要一台NDS,剛好最近在找安卓掌機,不過找了一段時間後發現目前沒有符合自己需要的款式,突然想到目前2手的NDS不知市場情況如何,找了一下發現價格已經相當合理,之後就敗了一款銀黑色的NDSL+多媒體卡.....? 目前整體使用狀況還算滿意,至於3DS....就讓時間繼續催殘腐朽它吧.

2012年8月8日 星期三

PS2模擬器 PCSX2 1.0 發布


After many long years of development, debugging and testing effort, we have reached a point where PCSX2 runs a great majority of the games, and there are no important issues that could possibly be fixed without requiring major modifications to the emulator.

Because of that (and because we already felt it was overdue), we decided to stop thinking of new things to do for a bit, polish the stability, compatibility and existing features and release the result as the first major version of PCSX2!

There have been tons of changes since the last release, including improvements to Jake Stine's wxWidgets GUI overhaul, cottonvibe's new multithreaded VU core and improvements on the primary plugins.

This release is a big milestone that marks the way to new features and improvements!

Here is an excerpt of the latest changes:


Video timing adjustments
microVU fixes for Metal Gear Solid 2 and others
General speedups
microVU speedup
New GIF unit that mimics the real one better
microVU elementary function bug fixed (affecting Valkyrie Profile 2, Radiata Stories and Star Ocean 3)
Implemented Multi-Threaded VU! A new speed hack with almost 100% compatibility with games, using a third core to run the VU1 unit separately
CDVD fixes (Time Crisis boots now)
Added support for progressive scan timings
Path 3 arbitration and timing refinements
Added Finnish, Malaysian, Korean, French, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese and Polish translations

Configurable output volume
Fixes to reverb
Various sound looping fixes
Improved time stretcher
Reverse phase audio quality improved

Fixed RGB mode movie recording
Texture cache change that fixes some black screening games
Implemented NVidia FXAA 3.10, page up key activates it
Better multithreading
Arc the Lad bad fog fix
Fixed shadows in software renderer
Implementation of GSdx "Shadeboost" project (saturation, brightness, contrast settings)
User configurable hacks in the GUI
Fixed flickering in many FMVs
Implementation of GSdx "Cutie" project (various extra CRC hacks)

Pad state getting stuck with savestates bug fixed

Revamped it a bit


OnePad changes:
New dialog configuration panel
Improved support of various pad (sixaxis)/mouse/wiimote
Added support for more controllers
Added support for pressure-sensitive buttons

GSdx ported for Linux! Based on OpenGL 3.3 with some 4.x hardware independent extensions. Requires OpenGL 4.2 drivers and is still in experimental stages. Don't expect the hardware renderer to run properly, but the Software renderer should be fine.
Added support for configuration and keyboard shortcuts from PCSX2

Added support for configuration and keyboard shortcuts from PCSX2
Added a GLSL backend to replace CG. Like GSdx, it requires OpenGL 4.2 drivers. Only available with PCSX2 self-compilation.

Added thread timing information to see the CPU usage in the status bar
Fix multiple frame/box letters sizing.

In addition to these changes we found a fixed several bugs that could lead to crashes in various situations.
The PCSX2 executable has been built and tested with PGO optimizations enabled so it will be an extra 10% faster over regular SVN builds.

We hope you enjoy this first major version release and have fun playing your games on it!
