2013年5月8日 星期三

PCE/CD模擬器 Ootake 2.69








PCE/CD模擬器 Ootake 發布新版,更新如下:

- It corresponded to operation with "Windows 8".
* In "Windows 8", classic display method of desktop (
Windows7's Areo invalidity) was abolished. As a result, it has the display
delay of about two frames compared with XP and Win7(classic display).
Therefore, the difficulty of the shooting game especially becomes hard.
The operated happiness decreases, too.
If you want to enjoy playing games, the current state strongly recommends
the personal computer of "Windows 7" to be selected.
I want to transmit the importance at this display time lag to the staff of
Microsoft. However, it is not easy to transmit it. I do not give it up
because it is very precious for games.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.


