2013年6月24日 星期一


PSP模擬器 PPSSPP 發布新版,更新如下:

Here we go! 0.8, now available for Windows and Android*, brings you the following new features:

• Full video and audio playback in most games (audio requires an optional plugin)
• Huge increases in compatibility! Final Fantasy: Crisis Core is fully playable on fast devices, for example.
• Lots of little things like easy screenshot taking, the beginnings of a cheat feature, etc

Thanks to all the contributors making this possible! I want to call out unknownbrackets and oioitff for outstanding additions.

So get downloading! It may take Google Play some time to update to 0.8.

*For those of you on iOS and Blackberry, 0.8 builds will be available soon. We are still looking for a volunteer to maintain a Mac build.


Note: A Gold version for Windows is coming in the next few days, for those who want to support the project but don't have Android.


1 則留言:

  1. 可以寫一篇PPSSPP 0.8 PC的設定教學嗎?
