2014年3月10日 星期一



多機種模擬器 Mednafen 發布新版,更新如下:

  • Fixed compiler errors when compiling without the debugger.
  • Fixed a couple of memory leaks.
  • PSX: Made better use of exceptions in the loading and initialization code paths(and avoid leaking memory if a part of the process fails).
  • PSX: Protect against sound buffer overflow without causing a call to abort() so that using save states(when they're added) or power toggling/resetting in the debugger while in step mode is safer.
  • PSX: Output of debug messages to stdout and stderr is now controlled via the "psx.dbg_level" setting, whose default value of "0" disables almost all debug messages. Set the setting to "3" to obtain roughly the same output as previous
  • versions of Mednafen.
  • Modified the simple interpolation pixel shader code to avoid using the GLSL 1.3 function "round()", for better compatibility with some OpenGL implementations.

  • http://mednafen.sourceforge.net/

