2014年9月25日 星期四

Raine v0.63.12

NEO-GEO CD/Arcade模擬器 Raine 發布新版,更新如下:

  • Yet another small update for the 0.63 version, it adds command line switches for opengl options and to select the region, use raine -h to see the options. Except that some fixes again, to launch some neocd games from the command line, and for a very special crash of garou (not of raine !), when using raster emulation, for this one the fix is not ideal but it will do for now, there was too much heat last week to do anything really serious !

  • Also I re-enabled some optimizations which were disabled long ago in the win32 binary, when the compiler was not so good. Maybe it would be time to start making binaries for pentium4 instead of pentium, but I don't think the improvements would be noticeable and there's a risk some old system couldn't run the binary, so I'll keep pentium builds for now...

  • http://rainemu.swishparty.co.uk/

