2015年8月31日 星期一

puNES v0.96 & HalfNES v0.60

FC模擬器 puNES & HalfNES 發布新版,puNES的作者近期很努力的改進模擬器的效能與相容性,HalfNES則是以Java語言開發的,2款模擬器雖不是頂尖的,但俗語說 "戲棚下站久了就是你的 "大概就是這樣吧...

HalfNES v0.60 :

  • Fixed Battletoads and Battletoads: Double Dragon freezes on certain levels
  • Reduced jerkiness of scrolling in 50 fps games (not eliminated entirely unless your monitor is also set to 50 FPS)
  • Improved performance a bit, there was some slow cheat engine code constantly running

  • https://github.com/andrew-hoffman/halfnes/releases


    puNES v0.96

  • fixed xBRZ in the D3D9 release.
  • Added the translated english version of "Lagrange Point" to the database.

  • http://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?t=6928

