2015年12月19日 星期六

Demul v0.7 alpha 181215

Dreamcast/Naomi 1 + 2/Atomiswave/Hikaru/Cave CV1000/Gaelco 模擬器 Demul 發布新測試版,更新如下 :

- SH4 MMU optimizations, many WinCE games works at fullspeen on ~recent PCs
- Tile Accelerator rewrite&optimize
- Xinput devices without vibration supported
- automatic DC video mode selection
- simple deinterlace for TV-modes
- fix rotate and aspect ratio
- optional Bilinear filter
- libchd doesn't require SSSE3 anymore
- crash fix at exit after fullscreen switching (I hope)
- gdrImage subcodes emulation fixes and improvements
- gdrImage fix cue/bin booting support
- SH4 exceptions handlindg fixes
- Supid Invaders boots now
- fixes for recent indie games
- sync romset with current MAME
- other minor things was fixed or rewritten, I forget about


