FC / NES 模擬器 RockNES 發布新版,更新如下 :
- Removed all those gfx modes, prior to AUTO windowed or fullscreen modes.
- Removed video resolution setting from config file, now fullscreen mode always use the desktop resolution, unless you change it in the GUI.
- Removed sprite evaluation at pre-scanline.
- Changed unofficial opcode emulator behaviour - now it'll swap to GUI w/ RESET.
- Changed sound sample rate to 48000Hz. Tell me if you experience problems.
- Added unofficial opcodes + NOPs.
- Added screen blitter 4x size with interlaced mode.
- Added screen blitter 3x upscaler scanlined, pixelated and interlaced.
- Added video vertical retrace sync, _much_ smoother.
- Added various color effects like sepia, black&white, GameBoy and more!
- Added an option for signed or unsigned APU sound samples.
- Added cartridge board name when saving the iNES header info into a text file.
- Added ability to modify a value in the CPU PRG space.
- Added fast forward key, can be deactivated.
- Fixed NMI and VBlank timing obscure failures.
- Fixed mapper 69 for CHR RAM games.
- Fixed motion blur effect, still imperfect.
- Fixed VS palette setup.
- Fixed a bug assigning joystick buttons.
- Fixed PPU $2007 register, fixes the scorebar in Burai Fighter (U).
- Fixed WAV stereo sound recording (generated files had half size).
- Fixed palette selection/startup.
- Fixed palette entries $10,$20,$30 in #nesdev palette.
- Fixed a bug in the NMI timing.
- Fixed an obscure bug in the sprite evaluation code (overflow flag).
- Fixed OAM rotation (Sachen games/Tatakai no Banka).
- Fixed file closing, another obscure bug.
- Option "Set savestate slot to 0 on RESET" is now saved in the config file.
- Optimized PPU bankswitching and pixel color generation.
- General fixes and minor revision in the CPU instruction set.
- Revised config file parsing in order to avoid a potential crash.
- Improved RAMBO-1 PPU IRQ (mapper 64).
- Fixed mapper 90 IRQs.
- A few GUI and config changes, old rocknes.ini file is NOT recommended.
- Code cleanups, lots of minor rewrites, adjustments, text changes, optimizations.