2017年7月24日 星期一

No$gba 2.8f

NDS/DSi/GBA模擬器 No$gba 發布新版,更新如下 :

- nds/3d/help: note on MTX_PUSH/POP/STORE/RESTORE in Mode1 (thanks staplebutter)
- nds/3d/emu: matrix stack in mode1 behaves like mode2 (fixes light directions)
- dsi/mmc: supports MMC commands CMD1 and CMD6 (somewhat needed for libnds)
- dsi/sd: added warning on trying to use SD card in 4bit mode with pull-up on
- dsi/i2c: support softreset via bptwl (keeping main ram and bptwl regs intact)
- dsi/help: added notes on warmboot info at 2003000h (for autostarting a title)
- dsi/help: more details on 2FFD7BCh (scr,type,hcd,csr,clk_ctl,card_opt,device)
- bios clone: reproduces div-zero, fixed crash on div-overflow (thanks endrift)
- gba/io: emulates some more unused bits as non-writeable (thanks endrift)
- gba/help: note on BLDALPHA being R/W (unlike official specs, thanks endrift)
- debug/help: note on nds9 debug message ports 4FFFAxxh working on gba/nds7 too
- setup: renamed "Emu Identification" to "Debug I/O" and enabled it by default
- gui: fixed window positions/fullscr when taskbar at upper/left (thanks joseph)


