2018年3月4日 星期日

Cemu 1.11.5

Wii U模擬器 Cemu 發布新版,更新如下 :

general: Updated game profiles
general: Added more logging options and cleaned up logging menu a bit
general: Enabling online mode now requires all ccert/scert files

input: Added support for emulating Wiimote controllers using keyboard/usb-controllers (no native support yet!)
input: Reworked the input settings window to open a lot faster

coreinit: Fixed MEMAllocFromExpHeapEx not handling negative alignment correctly
coreinit: Fixed MEMGetAllocatableSizeForExpHeapEx sometimes returning the wrong size
coreinit: Added API MEMCreateUserHeapHandle(), OSCopyFromClipboard()
coreinit: Fixed a potential crash in FSReadFile/FSReadFileAsync when the specified length is zero

AX: Rewrote snd_core2 audio driver
AX: Added snd_core1 API AXGetMaxVoices(), AXSetVoiceSamplesAddr()

GX2: Reduced shader compile time and RAM usage for Nvidia GPUs
GX2: Added support for creating cube-map views into 2D array textures
GX2: Added support for more vertex attribute formats

swkbd: Added support for Unicode input + some minor tweaks

nlibcurl: Fixed a crash bug in curl_multi_perform

