2019年9月28日 星期六

Cemu 1.15.15b

Wii U模擬器 Cemu 發布新版,更新如下 :

# New in 1.15.15b (public release):

GX2: Fixed a bug that could lead to random performance drops or crashes under rare circumstances

# New in 1.15.15:

general: The default gameprofiles that ship with Cemu and the ones with user edits
         are now in separate folders. This change was made so that extracting all
         files from the Cemu.zip into an existing Cemu installation no longer
         overwrites any game settings

AX: Added support for mono and surround sound
AX: Added API AXSetDeviceRemixMatrix, AXGetDeviceRemixMatrix

GX2: Guarantee usage of locale independent number formats when inserting preset variables into custom shaders (#190)
GX2: Added optional VRAM stat to overlay (Win 8.1 and above only)
GX2: Tweaks to cache management on OpenGL to prevent internal out-of-memory crashes (#176, #186)


