2020年4月4日 星期六

Cemu 1.18.0b

Wii U模擬器 Cemu 發布新版,更新如下 :

general: Updated language files

CPU/JIT: Added proper icache invalidation and allow recompilation of dynamic code
         This improves performance in titles which use runtime code generation (e.g. VC64 or webkit based titles)

Vulkan: Added support for texture format A1_B5_G5_R5 (commonly used by VC64 titles)

OpenGL: Added support for LINE_LOOP primitive

coreinit: Fixed a potential deadlock which could occur after OSCancelThread() was called

# New in 1.18.0:

input: Added native support for DSU client (Cemuhook motion provider protocol)
       Configurable as a separate input API in input settings      
input: Added motion support when Wiimotes are used as input API for GamePad
input: Added motion support when using DSU client for emulated Wiimotes

general: Added quick start assistant for new users
         Opens on first launch but can also be accessed via the help menu

debugger: Various smaller tweaks for better readability of disassembled instructions
debugger/patches: Added more PPC instructions to the assembler and disassembler (#288)
                  New: mulli, mullw, mulhw, mulhwu, divw, divwu, beqlr, bgtlr, bgelr, bltlr, blelr, bnelr
                  New simplified mnemonics: extlwi, extwri, slwi, srwi, clrlwi, clrrwi, sub

Vulkan: Fixed an issue where stencil clear could also unintentionally clear depth (fixes some issues caused by Nvidia driver 445.75)
Vulkan: Added alternative code path for when R4G4 textures are not supported (fixes crashes on Intel GPUs)


