2021年4月11日 星期日

RockNES 5.66

 FC / NES 模擬器 RockNES 發布新版,更新如下 :

[fds driver]
- Disk inserted/ejected status is no more set to "true" on soft-RESET.
- Improved disk information, added CRC32.
- RAM is now completely filled with zeros.
- Fixed a bug in the APU reset.
- Fixed a bug in the stereo sound downsampling calculation.
- Fixed NSF driver, major cleanups.
- Fixed windowed mode when out of focus.
- Fixed color calculations for various color styles.
- Color style "sepia #2" was changed to a new non-monochrome calculation.
- The loaded .NES filename is now displayed in the "File info" GUI option.
- Minor cosmetic changes in the GUI.
- Removed value $40 ORed at every joypad read.
- Keyboard is now polled before checking keys.
- Fixed emulator startup, several rewrites in the code, minor fixes.
- Fixed a memory leak problem.

