2022年4月27日 星期三

MADrigal CD Collection v.61.2

 早期掌上型遊樂器 MADrigal CD Collection 發布新版,更新如下 :

Today one of my dreams comes true - at last. Not the fanciest of dreams, but still a dream that I had since I started the MADrigal's Simulation Project.

The one thing I always wanted to implement in all of my games was to add full animation of the "directional cross" button that is featured in a bunch of games - most notably (but not just) Nintendo's Donkey Kong Multi Screen.

Talented programmer Itizso, author of beautiful G&W simulators running in 3D virtual models of the games, have come in my aid by providing animation frames of the directional cross for Donkey Kong 1, 2 and Junior Panorama. I was then able to implement them in my simulators. Success and... my dream came true (well, at least for those 3 games!)

Here is how the new graphics look like:

See below list of new files new released update and I hope that Itizso will provide more graphic pieces for my other simulators one day! :-)

Donkey Kong (Nintendo, Game & Watch Multi Screen) S5/5.01 (Standard 5, graphics improvements)
Donkey Kong 2 (Nintendo, Game & Watch Multi Screen) S5/5.01 (Standard 5, graphics improvements)
Donkey Kong Jr. (Nintendo, Game & Watch Panorama Screen) S5/5.01 (Standard 5, graphics improvements)
MADrigal CD Collection ver. 61.2
ClrMamePro datfile ver 20220314 [61.2]


