2014年2月27日 星期四

UME 0.152ex3

UME (logo by JackC)

由 MAME 大老 Haze 發布的 MAME/MESS 模擬器 UME 發布新版,更新如下:

With the 2013 write-up out of the way here is another UME build.
I was hoping that 0.153 would be out now with the u releases gone and a plan to possibly release full updates a little more often but it appears it is still some time away. This is understandable because there have been some fairly major bits of code restructuring under the surface over the last month and quite a few known regressions that needed fixing, so probably plenty of undiscovered ones too. For that reason this might not be the MOST stable UME build ever (I’m not sure, it might be fine, most of the major problems have been fixed) although it works for the recent additions at least.
0.152ex3 is based on SVN revision 28034
The changelog (simply a copy/paste of the SVN log) can be read here. This isn’t formatted as a whatsnew, but as usual I’ll summarize the main points below.
UME 0.152ex3 Windows binaries – 32-bit, 64-bit and all tools
UME 0.152ex3 sources
Points of Interest
(more to come)
One thing people have noticed from the SVN logs is that Andreas Naive put in some code to decrypt the 036 CPU type used by PGM2. This does not mean PGM2 emulation is imminent, actually, what we’ve discovered as a result means it’s less likely than ever. The code in the external PGM2 roms is for an ARM11 CPU, there are THUMB2 opcodes in the thumb part of it. Currently MAME only emulates up to the ARM9 and original THUMB instruction set. Even if we were to emulate the ARM11, ARM11 CPUs are usually clocked very high, and MAME struggles even with the 200Mhz ARM7 used by “touryuu – Touryuumon” (Eolith Ghost hardware) Emulating an ARM11 would be even slower than that, I don’t know what the exact clock is but I have a feeling the PGM2 system likely has enough power to be emulating a PGM1 unit.
Furthermore, like the 027A the 036 has an internal ROM for each game, because it’s newer technology those are likely to be even more well secured than the 027A ROMs. In other words, it isn’t happening, and even if by some freak chance it does happen it will run at 2fps.


