2014年4月21日 星期一

UME 0.153ex1

UME (logo by JackC)
UME is the complete/combined version of the MAME / MESS project.

由Haze編譯的MAME模擬器 UME 發布新版,更新如下:

0.153ex1 is built from SVN revision 29720
UME 0.153ex1 Windows binaries – 32-bit, 64-bit and all tools

UME 0.153ex1 sources

Here is the 0.153 to 0.153ex1 SVN log

Points of Interest
MAME 0.153 was buggy, use of the brightness / gamma settings in the 32-bit builds would cause BG colour issues in anything using the ‘black_pen’ feature of MAME, most notably many 80s classics like Galaga.

There were other problems also affecting Namco titles like Galaga, Pole Position etc. – uninitialized variables causing anything with the Namco customs of the era to randomly boot into service mode, or display the gameplay upside down etc.

Another problem was causing MAME to crash if loading 0 byte files, many sample sets you find have 0 byte files for dummy samples (eg. Gorf) and while having these dummy files isn’t recommended it wasn’t ideal behaviour for MAME to simply crash when they were present.

I do not know if there will be an official 0.154 build following shortly to fix these issues, but they’ve all been fixed in the SVN at this point, so I’ve decided to put out this ex1 build of UME as a public service. It also includes the fixes to allow the SC4 fruit machines to pass their init once again after the 68681 refactoring.

I believe some issues from 0.153 still remain (cheat finding doesn’t work) but I felt it a good idea to get this out there before further instabilities are introduced.
There are a lot of other refactoring changes in this build, as well as Kale’s WIP on Model 2, so I can’t guarantee nothing else is broken, but I felt having builds where the classics were known to be in a semi-broken state was not a good idea.

Note, a number of changes in the changelog mention the new menu system, this was backed out shortly before this build as it isn’t yet stable.


