2014年11月24日 星期一

Yabause v0.9.14

Nissan Presents Over Drivin' GT-R Wachenroder

SEGA SATURN 模擬器 Yabause 發布新版,更新如下:

- Fixed crash when bin is not found in a bin/cue.
- Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- Added Japanese translation.
- Added Russian translation.
- Updated German translation.
- Added inline SH2 assembler function to main emulation code.
- Fixed miscellaneous memory leak/uninitialized variables.
- Added Stunner/Virtua Gun emulation
- Added USB Dev cartridge emulation
- Added SDL2 support

android port:
- Added screenshot feature to Android port

emulated bios:
- Work around fix for games trying to change scu mask from slave sh2 when using hle bios. Fixes Astal.

gtk port:
- Added extra checks to resolution setting to avoid potential leaks or crashing.

macos port:
- A few fixes to the Xcode projects for OS X
- Fixed fullscreen mode when compiled with a newer OS X SDK

qt port:
- Fixed an issue where coff/elf files weren't selectable when using memory transfer function.
- Fixed a bug where qt volume slider wasn't showing the saved value on startup.
- Mouse will now optionally auto-hide with no movement
- Added gui for inline assembler.
- Revised Mouse emulation handling, added sensitivity setting.
- Other fixes

dreamcast port:
- Fixed compilation

- Fixed a bug where coordinate y increment wasn't being initialized under a specific set of circumstances. Should fix hang in Radiant Silvergun using OpenGL rendering.
- Fixed Special Color Calculation mode 2


