2014年12月28日 星期日

GSdx32-AVX (2014-12-20)

PS2模擬器 PCSX2 非官方圖形插件 GSdx32-AVX 發布新版,修正 Konami 部分遊戲問題。

I've released a plugin that fixes the vertical lines with Konami games (Enthusia, etc) on the PCSX2 Emulator.

I was disappointed to find that the problem still hasn't been fixed for the latest 1.2 release.  Tried this one which I made for 1.0 release and it still works.  So now I am releasing it to you.

How it works is using a different method to copy the offscreen surface to the backbuffer, bypassing some (broken) post-processing.   There is no noticable glitches.

