2015年4月30日 星期四

Exodus 2.0

Fullscreen Mode

SEGA Mega Drive (MD)模擬器 Exodus 發布新版,更新如下 :

2015-04-30 - Exodus 2.0.0
Visible changes:
-Released Exodus as open source, with initial SDK documentation.
-Greatly improved performance and reduced memory requirements
-Brand new user interface, with integrated docking and dashboard system.
-Added gamepad/joystick support
-Added a setting for unfiltered (pixelated) VDP image output
-New VDP plane viewer
-Numerous bugs fixed
Internal changes:
-Migrated to Visual Studio 2013
-Separated the concepts of Devices and Extensions
-Fully isolated the core of the Exodus platform from the user interface
-Completely new view management system, with a total refactor of all existing views.
-Greatly improved marshalling library for sharing STL types across DLL boundaries
-Added the GenericAccess library to assist in isolating the user interface from device cores


PS.需在x64的作業系統才能執行 (for x64).

