2016年7月29日 星期五

FCEUX 2.2.3

Super Mario Bros 3 in FCEUX

FC/NES模擬器 FCEUX 發布新版,更新如下 :

The 2.2.3 release fixes a number of emulation bugs, features overclocking (for lag reduction) and Dendy mode, and adds support for a bunch of new ROM dumps (mostly unlicensed). Reverse engineering tools and Lua scripting have got some updates, new input devices are supported, new palette files have beed added. The SDL port has been fixed and updated as well.

Customizable overclocking
 Dendy mode
 Fixed rerecord counting broken outside taseditor

Added mappers: 29, 30
 Fixed mappers: 225, 119, 4, 35, 31, 69, 212, 45
 Fixed mmc5 IRQ handling
 Fixed mmc1 reg#3 masking
 Fixed vrc7 sound savestates
 Added CoolBoy, KS7010, SB200, UNIF 158B, UNIF DRAGONFIGHTER, UNIF BMC-10-24-C-A1, UNIF EH8813A, UNIF HP898F, UNIF F-15, UNIF RT-01, UNIF UNL-KS7017, UNIF BMC-81-01-31-C, UNIF UNL-8-IN-1
 NES 2.0 support
 Fixed UNIF BMC 12 IN 1, UNIF OneBus

Fixed a bug with FDS flag being always set when converting a FCM

Prescale filter for 2x, 3x and 4x resolutions
 Made NTSC filter internal resolution closer to 4:3

Support 512 color palettes
 Added external palettes: SONY_CXA2025AS_US.pal, RP2C03.pal (and its versions), Unsaturated-V6.pal
 Option to swap deemphasis bits

Option to swap duty cycles
 NSF can be set to Dendy mode

Fix Mouse input implementation
 Support for SNES mouse
 PEC-586 russian keyboard support

Removed speed notification per script reload, if it remained 100%
 Fixed lua drawings in NSF
 Proper halo for lua font
 Fixes to sound.get() region consistency and frequency/midikey detection for Noise and DPCM channels
 New Lua functions: •emu.getpath()

Added -dumpinput and -playinput functions
 Support for SNES pad
 Added onscreen messages when region changes

Added debuggerPageSize config variable which lets you pick whether 8KB physical PRG pages are used, or 16KB (the original). It defaults to 14 (1<<14 == 16KB).
 Set symbolic debugger name entry dialog text limits when creating a new label
 Fixed new-PPU debug information (address and pixel)
 Step Into hotkey
 More granular accounting of scanline and dot

Trace Logger
Fixed incorrect display of resolved address for (FF,x)

Symbolic debugging
Optionally display register names

Fix crash when attempting to open file picked as target for Save Stripped ROM operation

PPU Viewer
8x16 sprite display mode

Hex Editor
Added option to dump entire 64k memory space
 Don't forget to load the symbols, when hex editor is first launched before debugger
 Show values for registers $4000-$4017

mmc5 Akumajou Dracula crash fix
 More RAM available in search

Added apply button to video config dialog
 Added link to libgd project download page in readme
 Noted optional libgd dependency in readme
 SCons: Fixed logic for LOGO and CREATE_AVI options
 Manpage updates
 Added hotkeys for volume up/down
 Menu toggling with the Alt key
 Print error when opengl/scalers are both enabled
 Fixed bug where lua open file gui would default to home directory


