2016年9月7日 星期三

Mesen 0.5.1 (2016-09-08)

FC/NES模擬器 Mesen 發布新版,更新如下 :

WARNING: Save states created with version 0.4.1 (or older) will no longer work in 0.5.0.

This release is a beta - save states, movies, etc. created with this version may not be compatible with future versions of Mesen.

New Features


Bug Fixes
    -Google Drive: Fixed a crash that could occur when enabling Google Drive integration.
    -Debugger: Fixed a crash introduced in 0.5.0 that could occur when opening the debugger.

  • Input: Added key presets for typical keyboard layouts and controllers (Xbox, PS4, etc.)
  • Input: Several emulator functions can now be mapped to controller buttons (e.g: fast forward, save state, etc.)
  • Save states: Added automatic save state option.
  • UI: Mesen is now available in Ukrainian. (translation by Arcus87)
  • Debugger: Added cpu/ppu mapping display and improved several features (Memory Viewer, Trace Logger, CHR Viewer).
  • Compatibility: Added support for 3 new mappers (123, 134, 216)
Bug Fixes
  • Crash: Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting Mesen.

