2017年2月25日 星期六

JoyToKey v5.9

手把模擬鍵盤工具 JoyToKey 發布新版,更新如下 :
  • Fixed a crash issue for some online games
  • Enhanced « Keyboard2 » page to support the followings:
    • Supported the emulation of Input1 ~ Input4 in sequence at the specified interval (hold duration)
    • Supported different key assignment based on how many times a button is pressed within the specified time threshold
    • Supported the key assignment when a button is released
    • Supported the definition of mouse cursor movement via right click menu. For example, this enables one button input to cycle through up, right, down, left mouse cursor movement whenever it’s pressed
  • Supported a mouse horizontal wheel rotation
  • Improved the keycode emulation for the Numpad ‘/’ and a few other keys
  • Miscellaneous configuration options were added for OneSwitch.org.uk ex) FontSizeProfileList=20 FontSizeButtonList=20 ProfileImageFullScreenRatio=1.0

