2017年5月22日 星期一

MADrigal CD Collection ver. 59.28

老屁股專用 -- 懷舊掌機模擬器 MADrigal CD Collection 發布新版,更新如下 :

I made it. It took ten long years for me to upgrade all my handheld simulators to the most recent "Standard 4". This process started with the release of Mickey Mouse Panorama Screen in October 2007 and step by step the new features were added to all 59 games.
Today I am releasing an updated version of the last game which had been in my "to do" list for years. It is a very beautiful and well-designed game featuring intriguing "artificial intelligence" routines making the game vs CPU particularly challenging.
As usual, the new version features brilliant and larger graphics, improved sounds, tons of fixes and - for the first time in my simulators collection - a brand new key configurator control panel allowing players to redefine all game buttons by assigning any key on the keyboard (this comes very handy for the users of arcade cabinets and game launchers).
This is the usual comparison between the new and old versions of the game - I really do hope you appreciate the improvements!

This is the list of new downloadable files:
- Penguin Land (Bandai, LSI Game Double Play) S4/1.04 (Standard 4, complete rewrite)
- MADrigal CD Collection ver. 59.28
- ClrMamePro DATfile ver. 20170522 [59.28]

