2018年10月14日 星期日

JoyToKey Version 6.1.1

手把映射鍵盤工具 JoyToKey 發布新版,更新如下 :

  • Version 6.1.1 includes an important bug fix for version 6.x. If you're using version 6.0 and 6.1, it's recommended to upgrade to 6.1.1.
  • Supported multiple screens for the absolute movement of a mouse cursor.
  • Supported an execution of an external program for a button assignment.
    Besides launching a program, you can also open an URL in the browser. These enable you to use JoyToKey as a kind of launcher.
  • Supported additional key-code emulations such as the volume control (up / down / mute), media control (prev / next / play / stop), and SCROLL_LOCK key.
  • Changed the default key emulation code for arrow keys, R-Alt and R-Ctrl, to fix some compatibility issue with recent Windows 10. In case it causes a problem for certain old games and you want to use the old key code, in the button assignment window, please select an equivalent key (from right-click menu) which is labeled as "for DirectInput".
  • Single click a task tray icon to refresh joystick connections
    When you connect a new joystick to the PC, you can just click the task tray icon to get it recognized (either left click or right click).
  • Ability to re-process the key emulation event when the same key continues during the processing of Input1-Input4 sequence (Keyboard 2).
    By default, when processing the sequence of key emulation through Input1 to Input4, if the same key assignment continues, it's emulated only once. This behaviour can be changed from "Options" tab by enabling the following checkbox: "Re-process when the same key continues in sequence"
  • Misc bug fixes such as button highlighting

