general: Online mode can only be enabled if all required files are dumped
general: The DLC migration assistent will now also detect if DLC is installed in multiple redundant locations
general: Fixed an issue where clicking the background of the shader loading screen would hide the status info (#224)
general: Fixed a typo in the UI (#230)
general: Updated language files
Vulkan: Various optimizations
- Avoid redundant calls to vkCmdBindDescriptorSets
- Accelerated u32 index decoding by using AVX2 if supported by CPU
- Avoid unnecessary checks if states were not modified by any PM4 commands since previous drawcall
Vulkan: Fixed a bug where the renderer would use the wrong graphics pipeline, leading to driver crashes or graphical corruptions
Vulkan: Cemu will only use vkvalidation/ as validation layer path (VK_LAYER_PATH) if vkvalidation/VkLayer_khronos_validation.dll exists
Vulkan: Minor additions to logging to help troubleshoot Vulkan issues