2020年8月28日 星期五

MasterGear v4.6

SEGA掌機多機種模擬器 MasterGear 發布新版,更新如下 :

- Refactored scaling and special effects framework in MG-Windows.
- Optimized scaling for large screens and windows.
- Added option to force hardware linear scaling.
- Enabled "Video | Stretch Full Screen" option with effects enabled.
- Enabled "Video | Force 4:3 Screen" option with effects enabled.
- Added "Video | Interpolate Video | Linear Scaling" option to MG-Windows.
- Added "File | Clear Settings and Quit" option to MG-Windows.
- Fixed small windows behavior in MG-Windows.
- Fixed window position behavior in MG-Windows.
- Saving physical joystick/gamepad selection in MG-Windows.

