2020年10月4日 星期日

RockNES 5.64

 FC/NES模擬器 RockNES 發布新版,更新如下 :

- Default palette is restored on new ROM loading (fix when a VS palette was selected).
- Sprite address is always cleared on VBlank end, fixing a few unlicensed games.
- Now you can select GUI colors for menus.
- Video options were separated from [Misc] menu.
- Fixed custom fullscreen setting (on General settings), saves the current video mode.
- Fixed a bug setting on/off percentage of FPS.
- Fixed "general settings" and "set directories" GUI dialogs not "closing".
- Fixed "sound options" GUI dialog (all options are working ok).
- Fixed a few mapper/board names in order to be shorter, avoiding glitching the GUI.
- General tweaks, cleanups and minor improvements.

