2021年6月23日 星期三

m64p - b16fb1c (2021-06-21)

 N64模擬器 m64p 發布新版,更新如下 :

  • This release now includes mupen64plus's "new dynarec". It's enabled by default for new installs. For existing installs, you can enable it by going Settings->Core and Video Settings and setting "R4300Emulator" to "2". This should reduce the load on the CPU for most games.
  • A first for any N64 emulator: VRU (Voice Recognition Unit) support! Only 2 games made use of it: Hey You, Pikachu! and Densha de Go! (English translation here: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/2947/)
    • Both of these games expect the VRU to be connected to controller port 4:
    • Once you click "Emulate VRU", it will begin to download an English language voice model, which is required for speech-to-text recognition. It only does this the first time.
    • It will download the model into the same directory as the EXE, so that directory needs to be writeable.
    • You need a microphone to use the VRU. You can search on YouTube for some gameplay footage of Hey You, Pikachu! to see how it's used.
    • Only English is supported.

