2021年6月13日 星期日

Mednafen 1.27.1

 多機種模擬器 Mednafen 發布新版,更新如下 :

-- 1.27.1: --

June 4, 2021:
SS: Added "Herc's Adventures" to the internal database of games to enable SH-2 read/write VDP1
draw slowdown with, to fix a few graphical glitches.

May 28, 2021:
Error out in the configure script when iconv is not found, rather than later during compilation.

May 26, 2021:
SNES: Applied untested fix for an issue with libco on PPC64 ELFv2 systems.

May 18, 2021:
SS: Corrected a few inaccuracies in the handling of SCSP EG phase transitions, per tests on a SS.

May 12, 2021:
Renamed intl/VERSION to intl/VERSION.txt to prevent a conflict with a system C++ header file on
case-insensitive filesystems(problem introduced in 1.27.0-UNSTABLE).

April 29, 2021:
Demo: Use #pragma(pack) instead of __attribute__((packed)), to work around a bug/design flaw in
older versions of gcc that caused the demo module's save state test to fail when compiled for a
Windows target(where ms_struct is the default structure layout).

April 28, 2021:
Increased verbosity of bad Q subchannel data error messages in the CloneCD CD image loader.

Fixed crashing with non-glibc iconv implementations when the user specifies an unsupported
character encoding in the debugger's memory editor.

