2022年2月6日 星期日

Supermodel 0.3a svn 880

 SEGA MODEL3模擬器 Supermodel 發布新版,更新如下 :


Bitmap size field in the BITMAPV4HEADER was not being set correctly (the image viewers I've been using are unaffected by this but it ought to be corrected)

When dumping textures, two T1RGB5 texture maps are written: with and without contour processing. Contour processing can be disabled per-polygon and some textures intended to be used without contour processing contain pixels with T=1 that are clearly not supposed to be transparent. We now output textures_t1rgb5_contour.bmp and textures_t1rgb5_opaque.bmp.

Added a -dump-textures option (config key DumpTextures) that writes texture BMP files, one for each known format (12 in all currently)

