2013年1月8日 星期二

街機模擬器 aFBA 1.5


街機模擬器 Final Burn Alpha for Android aFBA 發布新版,非常不錯的免費安卓街機模擬器,建議更新!


1.5 release note

-fix stick bug after input edit


1.4 release note

-updated to latest fba (

-aFBA and libafba is now one package

-added on screen joystick configuration (position and scale)

-added 7z compression support

-added scale 2x option

-added compatibility list (menu -> CompatList)

-added roms listing filters (WIP, only year and system)

-added x86 cpu compatibility

-fix screenshots loading time

-fix scanline orientation for vertical games

-fix vibration enable/disable

-removed intrusive "airpush" ads, replaced by admob



