2013年1月15日 星期二

FC/SFC/GB/GBC/GBA/NDS模擬器 higan v092 fix

原名 Bsnes 的多機種模擬器正式改名為 higan ,更新如下:

For higan:
- I fixed the data ROM/RAM initialization for the
Cx4, which would periodically cause a crash.
- I also moved the Satellaview
MaskROM vs FlashROM detection into the Satellaview manifests, so Same Game -
Character Data works now.
- I also re-added the driver filter to the video
shaders, so the D3D driver won't show OGL shaders and vice versa.

- You can now generate the other SGB images by putting sgb.rom in the
same folder as the BIOS images.(pompé comme d'hab sur emu-france.com)
- I
fixed the markup in the database and via heuristics for 5MB+ games (DKJM2,
- Sufami Turbo and BS-X Satellaview generate BML now instead of XML when
using heuristics.


