2013年10月24日 星期四

DEmul 0.582 WIP

Dreamcast/Naomi/Naomi2/ATOMISWAVE/HIKARU/Gaelco模擬器 DEmul 發布新版,更新如下:

- ATOMISWAVE: Crash fix
- CORE: Autoregion if booted without disk fix
- CORE: SSE2 optimizations, critical core corruptions fixed, much more stability
- CORE: Savestates fix
- CORE: Various fixes from the Issue tracker
- DC: Dev.Box bios autoregion
- DX10: NAOMI2 irq fix
- DX11: Aspect ratio for 2nd shader filter's pass fix
- DX11: Framebuffer rendering fix
- DX11: Ignore z-write disable for punch-through polygons (fix Bust-A-Move 4)
- DX11: Rotate 90/270 fullscreen aspect fix
- GDR: gdrDemul is back from grave
- GPU: Aica dsp fix
- GPU: Lightgun mark fix
- GPU: YUV transfer out of RAM fix
- HIKARU: Full screen added
- HIKARU: Minor fixes and speedup
- NAOMI2: Club Kart little controls fix
- NAOMI2: Color/diffuse lerp value
- NAOMI2: Delay irq and TL status
- NAOMI2: Diffuse and specular intensity
- NAOMI2: Fake shadow fix
- NAOMI2: Layouts
- NAOMI2: Znear/zfar fix
- NAOMI2: Spot/point lights fix
- NAOMI2: Opaque modifiers
- NAOMI2: Optimize/refactor
- NAOMI2: VS3 stupid bug fix
- NAOMI2: Shadow intensity fix
- NAOMI: 18 Wheeler DX steering fix
- NAOMI: Soul Surfer floormat/controls
- PAD: Fixed jump to the BIOS when focus lost
- PAD: more precision for analogs/guns
- PAD: xinput stick, xinput crash and compatibility fix, xinput rumble support
- PVR2: fix single modifiers (Soul Calibur)
- PVR2: fix specular
- SH4: Exception generate optimization, dinarec optimizations, minor speedup (major speedup for some games, like Under Defeat)
- SH4: MMU critical bug fix and speedup, all WinCE games are playable now
- SPU: Sound stretching for slow machines
- VMU: Beep fixed, speedup
- VMU: Default setting changed, VMU screen disable option added


2 則留言:

  1. 請問要玩這模擬器部電腦要有甚麼要求??thx~~

  2. 依照你想模擬的遊戲而不同,例如模擬DC的硬體要求較低,而Naomi2的要求就較高了。
    建議cpu用四核心,顯卡不要太差,作業系統最好是Win 7.........總之硬體越強越好。

    我的配備 : i5-3470 / GTX-650 / 8G RAM / Win 7 X64 在這個配備下跑Naomi2都不見得有很好效果,當然這與模擬器還不成熟也有關,給你做參考。
