PCE/CD模擬器 Ootake 發布新版,更新如下:
2013/10/12 2.73 released
- When a game is started, the phenomenon of the screen's shining in white (
with real machine, this phenomenon is different according to each
connected television) is reproduced.
- With a little power PC environment, at the reload of a game, the problem
of consuming time was solved(reduced).
- At "Recent" menu, [HES] mark adheres to "ZIP file that compressed HES
file", too.
- The speed and timing were brought close to the movement of a real machine.
In the opening demo of "Farjius no Jakoutei", the problem that one frame
screen has fallen into disorder was solved.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.
2013/10/12 2.74 released
- The bug of "speed and timing processing" (generated by v2.73) was fixed.