2014年10月13日 星期一

BizHawk v1.8.4

多機種模擬器 BizHawk 發布新版,更新如下:

Released from release branch, represents trunk revision 7950 and cherry picked revisions 7965, 7972

Due to an error in the release setup, 1.8.2 was mistakenly marked as 1.8.3

Ram Tools - support poking frozen values, fixes issue 266
Ram Tools - Fix stale memory domain issues in Ram Watch and Ram Search when restarting a ROM (affected platforms such as Atari 2600)
Hotkey/controller dialog fix ups
Exit program hotkey
Lua - remove cleartype from DrawText
Fix bug in recent roms explore option for paths with commas
Right-click options on recent items in recent menus
Fix replay dialog "stop at frame" field to allow 10 digits instead of 3
Fix always getting a "movie was written to disk" message when stopping a movie, will now only say so if it actually was saved to disk
When loading a movie, gracefully handle a movie/rom system id mismatch
Recent Movie autoload - don't crash if movie file couldn't be found, fix logic that opens the Open Rom dialog if Autoload rom is not picked

Fix crash when end of cd is reached
Fix Seeking when playing audio tracks. Gotta seek fast!

Add GBA tab to path config

Make jabo the default plugin
Fix Gui freezes while a game still runs in the background on minimizing then maximizing
Change the expansion slot override notion. If a game in the gamdb has the expansion slot override, override the user's choice, but don't change the sync setting (otherwise all games they load afterward will be set to this). In the N64 menu item, show the checked status based on if the core is actively using the expansion slot, not whether the sync setting is set. If the gamedb is overriding the user's choice make it clear by disabling the menu item. This commit message is longer than the changeset itself.


