2014年10月12日 星期日

Virtual Jaguar 2.1.2

Atari Jaguar是一款較冷門的主機,當年推出時號稱是史上第一台64位元主機,以當時來說,這款主機的畫面確實不錯,如果不是廠商自己搞一些狗屁倒灶的事,這台主機的結果不會這麼的慘烈....

在模擬器方面,目前還沒有稱的上實用的。以這款 Virtual Jaguar 來說,已經算是最好的,不過遊戲相容性還需要再加把勁,(看來擁有多個CPU的主機都不太好模擬...) 有興趣的朋友可試試。

Virtual Jaguar v2.1.2 GCC/Qt

* Bugfix for catastrophic failure in Controller config dialog. Thanks to ggn for reporting this! [Shamus]

Virtual Jaguar v2.1.1 GCC/Qt
* Added controller profiles. What this means is that if you left your gamepad
behind and/or have a different one, VJ will let you create a controller
config for the new controller without destroying the old one. This also means
that if you have *no* controllers, you can still play VJ with the keyboard.
* Fixed a few problems with the DSP a timing; as a result, the sound in Rayman
and the FACTS demo is correct now. [Shamus]
* Removed toolbar from full screen mode. [Shamus]
* Added analog inputs to gamepad support. [Shamus]
* Fixed 6MB cartridge space access limitation. 6MB carts should work now.
* Fixed problem with JERRY interrupts corrupting the M68K core. [Shamus]


