2015年10月27日 星期二

Raine 0.64.10

Raine Logo

多機種模擬器 Raine 發布新版,更新如下 :

 - a surprising bug in the clipping of text in the gui which should not have been there
 - the fix of mer-curious fireball, hopefully ! ;-)
 - a fix for a crash during nam1975 demo because of a stupid fadeout effect !
 - But also finally the video priorities for the gunbird driver have been added, plus a few sounds which couldn't be heard before are now played correctly (for almost all the games in this driver).
 - neocd music now adapts to the sample rate chosen in sound options
 - the fix for the bug about cawing reported just after releasing 0.64.9 !
 - plus a few small fixes here and there not worth mentioning...


