2018年4月21日 星期六

Nova 0.2

SEGA SATURN模擬器 Nova 發布新版,更新如下 :

SH2: Fixed crashing bugs of the disassembler.
SH2: Added a hook routine for special usage.
SCU: Fixed a bug of table address boundary checking of DMAC indirect mode.
SMPC: Added magic numbers to the battery save file.
VDP1: Fixed MSBON of polygon.
CDB: Added log messages for commands MpDisp, MpSetWin, MpSetBcolor, MpSetFade, MpSetVeff.
SYSTEM: Implemented Nova BIOS(Preliminary).
SYSTEM: Supported ROM cartridge.
MISC: Implemented comments handing for the INI parser.
MISC: Added new options in nova.ini.
MISC: Some file names were changed,
"backup.bin" >>> "primary_01.bup"
"memcard_00.bin" >>> "memcard_01.bup"
"smpc.bin" >>> "battery.sav"


