2019年1月23日 星期三

Yaba Sanshito 2.3.1

SEGA SATURN模擬器 Yaba Sanshito 發布新版,更新如下 :

- Saturn Emulation: Advanced Geo Variable: Fixed a crash problem after selecting the character.
- Saturn Emulation: Blam Machinehead: Fixed a display problem in the game with the SH2 interpreter.
- Saturn emulation: Grandia: this game should now be playable without any problem.
- Saturn emulation: Mortal Kombat: fixed a problem with the option to match the window.
- Saturn Emulation: Scorcher: Fixed a background problem in the game.
- Saturn emulation: Space Harrier: regression correction on this game. 想等官網恢復再發新聞,不過還是進不去,有興趣的朋友可多多嘗試或找別的管道下載。 http://www.uoyabause.org/

