2019年2月5日 星期二

Cemu 1.15.2c

Wii U模擬器 Cemu 發布新版,更新如下 :

# New in 1.15.2c:
CPU: Fixed a bug where PSQ load/store incorrectly applied scale to float values
nlibcurl: Fixed a crash in curl_multi_remove_handle()
# New in 1.15.2b:
GX2: Fixed crash that could occur when GPU buffer cache accuracy was set to 'high'
input: Opening input settings with a disconnected DirectInput controller should no longer crash Cemu
input: Potential fix for input lag when using native Wiimotes
# New in 1.15.2:
CPU/JIT: Cemu no longer recompiles dynamic code regions since it doesn't handle icache invalidation properly yet
         This change is mainly to prevent browser-based apps from crashing
CPU/JIT: Added support for PSQ load/store when GQR is not static
GX2: Overhauled up/downscaling output filter system
     Upscaling and downscaling are now separate options
     Two new filters: Hermite and Nearest Neighbor
     Support for custom filters via graphic packs
GX2: Optimized performance of 'High' GPU buffer cache accuracy setting
GX2: Fixed a bug in vsync option code
AX: Added support for GamePad audio output
AX: Fixed incorrect loop handling for PCM8 and PCM16 voices
AX: Minor fixes for voice protection
input: Fixed a bug where controller settings reset when controller was not connected on launch
vpad: Set vpad volume according to gamepad volume from general settings
vpad: Fixed control sticks being too sensitive in some circumstances


