2020年5月2日 星期六

Cemu 1.18.2c

Wii U模擬器 發布新版,更新如下 :

# New in 1.18.2c:

Vulkan: Fixed a bug in the new cache which could lead to Cemu freezing or crashing randomly

# New in 1.18.2b:

Vulkan: The SPIR-V optimization pass is now always enabled (no longer considered experimental)

Vulkan: Added SPIR-V cache to speed up shader loading screen on subsequent runs

Vulkan: Fixed an issue where the wrong image layout (LAYOUT_UNDEFINED) would be provided for operations on 3D textures
        On strict or optimized drivers this could lead to texture data being thrown away (as far as we know, only Nvidia 445.75+ drivers are affected)


