2020年5月1日 星期五

Mednafen 1.24.2

多機種模擬器 Mednafen 發布新版,更新如下 :

April 25, 2020:
Fixed broken support for systems without any usable OpenGL implementation available.

April 24, 2020:
Apple2:  Adjust disk angle variable upon disk change, partially sanitize the disk angle variable on state load, and print out a debug error
message instead of triggering an assert() in the disk reading code, to prevent Mednafen from aborting out in certain circumstances involving disk
changing and state loading.

April 21, 2020:
Apple2: Added missing keyboard reading variable to save states.

April 7, 2020:
SS: Fixed a few inaccuracies with the SCSP waveform loop handling.

April 6, 2020:
SS: Added emulation of SCSP slot short waveform mode bit.

April 5, 2020:
SS: Implemented the buggy linear interpolation that occurs on the SCSP when FM is used.

April 3, 2020:
SS: Added emulation of SCSP slot EG bypass bit.

SS: Implemented SCSP register mirroring.


