2020年9月15日 星期二

RockNES 5.63

 FC / NES模擬器 RockNES 發布新版,更新如下 :

- Fixed a bug in the MMC3 PPU IRQs (fixes Mega Man VI and others).
- Added an option for DMC reversed bits decoding order.
- Fixed NSF track change in triple buffering mode.
- NSF mode no more allow changes to screen aspect ratio, or scanlines.
- Fixed palette setting if an external palette was loaded.
- Fixed a problem with triple buffering (should run at normal speed).
- Rollback for color style calculations.
- Changing the video resolution (using GUI dialog) now sets the game screen to 240p.
- Vertical retrace is now enabled by default.
- Fixed program version number in the binary.
- Fixed a few obscure errors in the config file parsing.
- Added display of the percentage of frames per second.
- Code revision and rewrites for GUI dialogs.
- Removed a few debug leftovers, plus minor improvements and cosmetic changes.
- Documentation updated.

