2021年5月8日 星期六

Cemu 1.22.12

 Wii U模擬器 Cemu 發布新版,更新如下 :

Vulkan: Async shader and pipeline compilation is now multi-threaded
        This speeds up background compilation and shortens the duration of missing visuals

mmu: Emulate the scratch memory region at the end of the address space (0xFFFFFFE0 - 0xFFFFFFFF)
     Fixes a crash that would occur during some loading screens in Fatal Frame 5 (#347)

input: Fixed an issue where WGI (Windows.Gaming.Input) would sometimes cause Cemu to not close properly
input: Generally improved robustness of WGI
input: Improved performance when using GC controller API (#513)

gfxPacks: Added a new option to rules.txt:
          If specified, the graphic pack will be enabled by default
          This is intended to be used for workaround packs when there are no side-effects

logging: There is now a logging option to toggle log output for coreinit logging (OSReport, OSConsoleWrite and similar)

