2021年5月1日 星期六

RockNES 5.70

 FC / NES模擬器 RockNES 發布新版,更新如下 :

- Major fix in the sound downsampling, new high pass filter.
- Sound recording is now terminated if the sound mode is changed.
- Fixed a bug calculating the data chunk size for stereo wave files.
- Fixed envelope volume on power up/reset (set to 0 instead of 15).
- Sound output volume now uses the mixing formula and float types for math.
- The mini-GUI menubar is back! It's used in low resolutions mode.
- Fixed wrong colors in message boxes.
- Fixed a stupid bug of displaying NSF frequency circles out of NSF mode.
- Fixed a bug setting the NSF file/track info in the program window.
- Track number is back to the decimal mode.
- Press Spacebar to switch the sound mode between "normal" and "Fami-clone" (NSF only).
- Pressing Alt+Enter (toggles fullscreen/windowed) no longer restarts the NSF track.
- Reads from $4016/$4017 are set by specific hardware (NES and VS Unisystem).
- Now you're able to save/restore states during movie recording (joypad data logging).
- Cosmetic changes, a couple of minor fixes.
- Savestate document is now included with the emulator package.

